Human Behavior

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Human Behavior

Human Behavior


Human behavior is the set of behaviors exhibited by human beings and influenced by the culture, the attitudes, the emotions, the individual values ??and cultural values, ethics, exercise of authority, the relationship, the hypnosis, the conviction, the coercion and / or genetics. Human behavior from the beginning of its history has tried to study and understand, that to try to exploit its features in the development of activities or improve to allow the same to live in a better way, either by observing their strengths, improving these aspects and aim to reduce weaknesses increased attention on the points in which man usually tends to fail (Bucklin, Alvero, et al, 2000).

Human behavior in an organization is dependent on the sets of rules and policies of that organization, regarding the behavior of the employees in an organization. Organizational behavior is the study of human behavior in the heart of the organization. Organizational behavior (CO) is a branch of social psychology that studies the behavior of humans in different organizations (Bucklin, Alvero, et al, 2000). It is an area wide field in which one seeks to understand the behavior of individuals and groups, interpersonal processes and organizational dynamics. This field allows you to place the individual at the heart of a group (team) and analyze the interactions attaching to it, while analyzing how the individual takes to resolve problems (conflict). Moreover, understanding organizational behavior provides better control of self and others in an organizational context and may even contribute to the success of employees in an increasingly dynamic and complex workplace (Bucklin, Alvero, et al, 2000). It is an applied discipline that relies on scientific research methods and uses a contingency approach, recognizing that management practices must adapt to the particular context. Dramatic changes, advanced technology and high-performance systems, increasingly intense global competition, increased customer demands, ethical concerns and expectations of social responsibility have led to the emergence of new workplaces (Bucklin, Alvero, et al, 2000).

Thesis Statement

Human behavior within an organization is a very important factor for the organization to be able to achieve its goals and objectives.


History of Human Behavior

Humans have evolved to fit a different world, a world that ended 20,000 years ago. We have not changed much during this period, even if it seems too long from our perspective. The prehistory occupies this entire period, from hunter-gatherers along the beginnings of civilization, to the agricultural revolution, industrial and other, and we used to think that human beings of the twentieth century in Western society are very different from those living in remote antiquity: the caveman, hunter-gatherers who lived just before the agricultural revolution, long before civilization (Freedman, Roe, 2008). This assumption is thought the current version of the times shocked Darwin, when citizens of Victorian England simply could not adjust to the idea that they were relatives of monkeys. For anyone who is aware of recent discoveries about human evolution, our scale of time has to be reset. Humans and our ancestors have evolved over a period ...
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