Hughes Langston

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Hughes Langston - A comparative Analysis of his Poems


Langston Hughes (Missouri, United States, 1902 - New York, United States, 1967) was a poet, novelist and columnist black. The Harlem Renaissance best knows it for its links, which was one of its drivers. Langston Hughes is not only because he has practiced all kinds, including the musical, but because it is one of the first African American to have lived by his pen and undoubtedly, he who has the most to publicize the cultural productions of his peers around the world through its collections, anthologies, translations, articles and personal contacts. As an American novelist, playwright, poet and journalist, he was the first pioneers of new literacy forms of jazz art and forms of poetry. Although his well- known work is “Harlem Renaissance” that has been a milestone in his carrier. Ultimately, Hughes's objective seems to be to provide blacks with identities as Americans, living in a democracy that ensures life without prejudice (Hughes, 2001).

Langston Hughes was a writer who drew on varied and wide experiences. At his child hood he worked as a delivery boy, short- order cook and farm hand, began a pattern of restless travel that will take him to Europe, The Caribbean, the Soviet Union and Asia as well as to dozens American cities and towns he at one time. Although he had written many short stories, librettos, plays, nonfiction and essay, he is a poet who would be remembered who through his writing explores the pride, pain and humiliation of being black in America.

Langston Hughes started composing in high school, and even at this early age was evolving the voice that made him famous. Hughes was born in Joplin, Missouri, but dwelled with his grandmother in Lawrence, Kansas. Hughes's grandmother, Mary Sampson Patterson Leary Langston, was famous in the African American community in Lawrence. Hughes dwelled in Mexico for the summer but he did not get along with his father. This confrontation, though sore, evidently assisted to Hughes's maturity. When Hughes returned to Cleveland to complete high school, his composing had furthermore matured. Consequently, throughout his older year of high school, Langston Hughes started composing verse of distinction. After graduating from high school, Hughes designed to come back to Mexico to visit with his dad, in alignment to trial to assure him that he should yield for his son's school learning at Columbia University in New York City. At Columbia, Hughes considered, he could get school learning but furthermore start his vocation as a writer. On his way to Mexico on the train, while considering about his past and his future, Hughes composed the well renowned verse, "The Negro Speaks of Rivers." After reaching in Mexico, the stress between Hughes and his dad was strong. Hughes liked to be a writer; his dad liked him to be an engineer. After Hughes dispatched some of his verse to the Brownies Book and Crisis publications and it was acknowledged, his dad was influenced sufficient to acquiesce to yield for ...
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