Huffington Post Review

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Huffington Post Review

Huffington Post Review


Sky fall is the latest blockbuster 007 which represents a true British identity. During the production, care occupied to develop a character which reflects strong British intelligence and rule. The film has a representation to the British identity. The language and culture used as representatives . The film reflects the story of Britain today based on a strong theme of old in comparison with the new. Sky fall is a distinctive, realistic and psychosomatic powerful story about an agent and its derivation.

The attack over MI6, which forced M to wisecrack the agency. This was a fabulous shock and challenge to her position from the Gareth Mallory (Ralph Fiennes), who is the novel chairman of the defence and intelligence commission. Now the MI6 being under attack both from the indoors and exterior, M left unaided with the only ally Bond 007 to whom she can trust only at this time. Eve aided Bond only who is following an assessment from the mysterious Silva, whose concealed objectives are not yet disclosed.

The story reflects bond in poignant crises after the mission failure at ISTAMBUL. This involves the loss a hard drive containing the list of all the NATO operations and lists of all British agents used against them. This was a cyber terrorist attack which started a conflict between the modern day internet period and the old bond school of espionage and the Empire. This represents the reflection of the Britain story as reflected in the Olympic ceremony by the Danny Boyle's. In this, this country was able to celebrate at its past and rejuvenate at its traditional values and idiosyncrasy and also has a praise for the modern developments. After the death experience by the bond of a closed one, the secret agent finally managed to set out the drive which led him to the mystery man Silva, who has a planning for revenge organised in his mind (Brundson, 2007).


The Sky Fall helps to understand the description of the analysis that the British is still comfortable enough to have a look at its past, to celebrate its good moments and rejoice at its self. As a part of the story when the M quoted from “Tennyson's Ulysses “, that though we are now not as strong enough today as we were in the past years, to move and rule the earth and the heavens, and then we made weak over time by faith and time. We are still strong in will power and survive and find and search . This represents that sky fall is in general a realistic, impressive and emotionally strong story focusing a secret agent and has a motivation which has become a national fascination for the people of England (Armstrong, 2012).

The character of Bond is a true motivation and inspiration for the people of England as he serves his country and his loyalty to the intelligence protection of the important national assets. He devotedly works for his country and represents ...
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