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The Department of Housing and Urban Development


In this study we try to explore the concept of “The Department of Housing and Urban Development” in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on “The Department of Housing and Urban Development”. The Federal Housing Administration is the largest mortgage insurer in the world and insures mortgage loans of more than 35 million homes since 1934. Their mission is to provide proper, safe and sanitary housing and a suitable environment for every American Creating opportunities for access to homeownership housing assistance for low income working to create, rehabilitate and maintain affordable housing in the nation Compliance the fair housing laws in the nation helps the homeless. It also promotes economic development in disadvantaged neighborhoods to help local communities meet their development needs.

The Department of Housing and Urban Development


The Department of Housing and Urban Development U.S. (United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, HUD for short) is a department of the U.S. administration. He headed by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development United States. The Department of Housing and Urban Development United States, better known by its acronym in English that is HUD, a department office of the executive branch of government federal United States. Despite their initiative is part of the house and home Financing House, was founded in 1965 as a department office, being part of the "Great Society "(Great Society) President Lyndon Baines Johnson, for the development and policy implementation in homes and cities. Its current secretary is Shaun Donovan (United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD, 2011).

Mission Statement

A proper, safe and sanitary housing and a suitable environment for every American Creating opportunities for access to homeownership housing assistance for low income working to create, rehabilitate and maintain affordable housing in the nation Compliance the fair housing laws in the nation helps the homeless Promoting economic development in disadvantaged neighborhoods to help local communities meet their development needs.


The department was created in 1965 when the government of President Lyndon Johnson merged former agencies of the federal government under the presidential program called “War against poverty ". She absorbed the other Federal Housing Administration.


The Federal Housing Administration is the largest mortgage insurer in the world and insures mortgage loans of more than 35 million homes since 1934. The Department of Housing and Urban Development operates the Housing Choice Voucher Program Housing. This program helps low-income families, seniors and persons with disabilities to have access to decent housing, safe and healthy at an affordable price in the private market. Participants are not limited to subsidized housing projects and can choose any housing, including detached houses or townhouses and apartments, which meet the requirements of the program.

The housing choice vouchers are administered by public housing agencies through federal funds provided by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. The local agency pays directly to the owner the amount of the grant. The participant only pays the difference between the actual rent and the amount of the ...
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