Hse Training Schedule

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HSE Training Schedule


Question 1: Review what your actual or perceived role, responsibilities and boundaries are as a teacher in terms of the teaching/ training cycle.

Answer) My role, responsibilities and boundaries as the HSE trainer in the stages of the teaching/ training cycle are:

Identification of Needs

Plan and Design

Delivery of the Course



Identification of Learner Needs:


I am the Assessor, Reviewer; Signposter for my Healthy, safety and environment training to my learners.


The learner needs are very important in order to identify the requirements of the course outline. The course outline must be designed as such that it must be reflecting the individual differences. Identifying the learner needs is the first point of teaching cycle. It is observed that in many organizations first the learner is interviewed before giving him/her the course. This step also helps to identify the learner needs for a particular course. There are different kinds of learner needs. Some of them are:

Social needs are characterized that how a learner interacts with other colleagues or how they view learning especially if they have had bad experiences of education previously.

Physical needs are characterized as how a learner can access learning (e.g. reduced mobility or sensory disabilities).

Intellectual needs are characterized as how different learners have different background therefore this reflect the differences.

Cultural needs might differ in different views, perception and beliefs.

Emotional needs might affect learner motivation or ability to concentrate. (Francis, Gould. 2009)

In all cases teachers have a responsibility throughout the teaching cycle to monitor their practice and ensure learner needs are met. Considering the learners need in my HSE training course, the cultural and physical needs are the important factors to be considered. As my learners belong to different backgrounds and have different needs and desires, I will personally look into each and every learners need to give them the best what they are seeking for.


The limitation boundaries that can exist in this particular step can be that the learner would hesitate to communicate with the teacher about his needs that are required for learning. This may affect the learning process that has to be done. Therefore, I being the trainer will try my best to motivate my learners to share their needs so they can learn what they need.

Planning and Design


I am the planner, designer, reviewer, scheduler, organizer and researcher for the HSE training course.


It is the responsibility of the teacher to plan and design a course, which meets the needs of the learners and requirements of the course. Most teachers/trainers will be responsible for designing their own courses. There are some courses, however, which are prescriptive and have to be delivered in a particular and a set way; for some teachers, there may be limited opportunities at this stage of the cycle. (Francis, Gould. 2009)

Again, here the task for me is challenging as I need to design a course that covers the needs of all the learners uniformly. Therefore, I have decided to consult my students first, know about their needs and then conclude my schedule ...