Hrmis Data Analysis And Recommendations

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HRMIS Data Analysis and Recommendations

HRMIS Data Analysis and Recommendations


There are generally two basic kinds of entrepreneurs. The first kind is of those who creates market and the second type consist of those who do not create any market. According to many, the person who has the ability to create the market is a revolutionary entrepreneur. And at the same time, the person who works or competes in an already well established market is generally considered as an ordinary entrepreneur. According to different researches, both the approaches have the potential that could lead to success and accomplishment in business, but still, the creative entrepreneur has got a competitive edge to gain a much better strategic position.

In the current world of today, it is very crucial to have a complete knowledge regarding the strategic position of your company so that you could also explain it further in detail to others because it is the strategic positioning that differentiates your organization from that of others. The following paper discusses the strategic planning of the organization and provides a few recommendations looking at the data collected over a period of time.


It is very clear that your organization has something to offer which is unique and cannot be duplicate easily. There are some major points which should be kept in mind while defining the strategic positioning of your organization such as:

The developments and the trends of the industry within which you are performing

Openings and competitive opportunities

The possibility if changes which could be brought due to the introduction of new technologies

Your interests and your strengths

Strategic planning

An important thing to be kept in your mind while running your business is that you have to understand and comprehend your place in within the competitive surroundings and then eventually build your business in order to maximize and to strengthen your strategic position. The strategic position of your organization could be based on the type of your market niche, the type of service and product that is being offered, the quality of the customer service which is being offered, convenience, pricing or anything else which has the potential to distinguish your organization from that of others who offer similar products or services as yours (Civil Service Bureau, 2011).

There are a number of responsibilities which must be fulfilled by a manager who is trying to improve the strategic position of his organization. Among a list of various things, his first priority should be to engage a level of serious commitment from all those people and employees who have a chance to be affected by the new plan. But certain steps needed to be taken for the implementation of this plan (Civil Service Bureau, 2011). You need to make a list that who should be those people who must be included. The most suitable options are to include the Chief Executive Officers and also those managers who report immediately to the CEO. In addition to these, some other reputable management or staff of the must also be ...