Hrm Theory And Models

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HRM Theory and Models

HRM Theory and Models


The world is changing rapidly. The assumptions that many individuals and societies made on the nature of their jobs and employment, just a generation ago, today have ceased to be valid. In an increasingly globalized economy, international trade in services and products is growing rapidly. Large corporations increasingly operate as multinational rather than a single country. The neoliberal economic thinking led to an international agenda that gives prominence to the liberalization economic and privatization. In Britain, as in most of the old capitalist countries, the union issue is still the most important of proletarian policy. The errors in this area are endless. No wonder, the inability of a party to establish correct relations with the class manifests itself most severe in the area of ??the union movement. For this I need to address this issue.

In the UK there is an organizational practice, but not ideological unity of the trade union movement, as more than 90% of union members (7.3 million) are in the British Trades Union Congress, which is a member of the Labour Party. There are also the General Confederation of Trade Unions (230K) and the Scottish Trades Union Congress (940 thousand). In contrast to the U.S. British unions in number (they are about 40% of all workers), active and act more closely together. However, decreases the number of trade unions in this country for the same reasons - due to falling numbers of the industrial proletariat, the increasing number of knowledge workers and service workers, changes in technology that promotes the growth of individual contracts. In the UK there is no specific law on trade unions, but there are various acts relating to their legal status. Some of them give the representatives of trade unions the right to participate in meetings of specialized committees of the House of Commons, along with government officials and entrepreneurs, while others restrict the rights of trade unions. This particularly applies to legislation adopted under the government of conservatives (restrict the ability to strike, prohibition of certain types of non-political strike, compulsory arbitration under certain circumstances, the possibility of arrest, a court ordered the strike funds of trade unions, etc.).

Unions were formed in the period of rise and rise of capitalism. They were aimed at improving the material and cultural situation of the proletariat and the extension of political rights. This work, which in England lasted over a century, unions gave tremendous authority over the workers. The decline of British capitalism, within the framework of the world capitalist system decline, undermined the foundations of the reformist labor unions.

The development of information technology and communication has changed profoundly the way companies operate. The work is no longer subject to limits spatial and temporal clear: the development of mobile working and remote working shows that the work can be done outside the office or workplace to traditional dissipated while increasing the demarcation between work hours and time ...
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