Hrm Selection Procedures

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HRM Selection Procedures

Selection Procedure


Selection is the procedure which an organization uses to find the best individual for the required job. Selection process also determines that which applicant will fit well in the existing culture of the organization and be the most successful in meeting the demands of the job. In the recruitment process, an organization goes through different processes and hires the best candidate for a job vacancy (Swift, 2003). Poor recruitment or selection procedures lead to unnecessary cost which is a disadvantage for any organization. An organization should involve only those steps in the selection process which bring out positive outcomes for the organization. An organization should be very careful in designing its selection process because if this procedure is designed positively then it would definitely hire best candidates for any a job vacancy and at the end it will definitely generate positive results for the organization.


Selection process of an organization comprise of different steps. The number of these steps varies from one organization to another. It depends upon the human resources department of an organization to design the selection process as they feel would bring out positive results and quality candidates for the vacant jobs (Radhakrishnan, 2003). According to my organization which is a hospital named 'Shands Heath Care' the following steps would be suitable to be involved in the selection process to recruit and hire the best candidate available for the vacant job in the organization.

Job Analysis

Job analysis is the most important step to define the duties and responsibilities of a candidate and the skills required to perform the available job. A good job description reduces the work load of a recruitment manager and also it is easier for the candidate to understand his responsibilities about the job that he has applied for. Job description provides an outline of the responsibilities and duties that the incumbent is required to perform during the job. So, a well defined job description provides the candidate applying for the job with a better understanding of the duties and roles that the organization requires from the incumbent to be performed. A good analysis of the job is used to provide the incumbent with a clear set of compensable factors, skills required, working environment and education level (Cooper, 2003). Job analysis is also used in the organization to identify objectives of the job, set performance standards, develop evaluation criteria and define duties to be evaluated (Swift, 2003). Job analysis is also very important to develop interview questions, selection tests, and orientation material and applicant appraisal forms. So, job analysis and job description are the key steps of selection procedure, it is always a great relief for the recruitment manager if job analysis is well developed. The incumbent also understands the duties to be performed easily if the job analysis is clear and well defined.

According to the vacant job in our organization, a job analysis format is prepared (see appendix) and the calculation of Essential Function Importance Levels (EFIL) ...
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