Hrm Retention

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HRM Retention

HRM Retention


In each and every organisation which is operating throughout the world, the tasks are divided into various sub groups which are basically the different teams working for the betterment of the organisation. As stated by Becker and Gerhart, (1996), the role played by the HRM is not negligible at any level. They make the overall operations of the organisation easier by effectively striving for getting hold of the best set of people for making them a real asset for the organisation.

Retention of this department is really very important for the organisation and this is the only way in which the organisation can make all the other people associated with the operations organised and well managed.


The following part of this paper is giving an overview of the various HR activities which are performed in order to support the organisations' goals attainment and also make them fulfil all of their objectives. Furthermore it also discusses the ways in which the HR professionals and the line managers are performing well and supporting each other's efforts.

Support Provided by HR Department

The key support this particular department basically provide can be divided into three sub parts:

HR systems

HR policies

HR practices

So far it has been identified that the HR activities are basically able to be conceptualized along with various different levels of analysis. In the lowest level out of all the practices of HR department reflects some of the specific organizational actions. These are designed for achieving some of the explicit outcomes in the end. This might be including behavioural interview conduction, payment system, socialization and it may also include the 360 degree performance feedback. Through all this organizations is able to choose and also manage their employees (Schuler, 1992).

The next level is a bit higher and is basically the level of abstraction, these are the HR policies. This part reflects employee focused program, which put influence on the choice made to opt for some particular HR practices. This can be exemplified with profit sharing, commission based system or piece rate systems, all of these might be implemented for the sake of attaining the policies (Schuler, 1992).

At the most highest level the HR system basically operates and reflects a program of various different HR policies which are adopted for being internally consistent and also for reinforcement in order to achieve some of the overarching kind of results. The example for this can be the selective ...
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