Hrm Reflective Overview

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HRM Reflective Overview

HRM Reflective Overview


In my opinion, one of the most important is the HRM or the Human Resources Management. In fact, there were a number of things I learned in my first year regarding various different aspects of the field. The first and most important was the fact that the Human Resource is a very wide field and it accommodates wide range of important aspects of effective management. Another important thing that I have learned is the importance of leadership, its different types and its impact on both the employees and the overall Organization. The next most important thing I learned is how important it is for the Organizations to keep their employees motivated. I have also learned the difference between the teams and groups and have learned the importance of collaborative effort for the achievement of combined goals within an Organization.


The first and the most important thing that I have learned in my first year is to obtain a clearer understanding of what the term really means. HRM or Human Resource Management can simply be defined as a strategic approach adapted by the owners or authorities of any Organization in order to manage its most valuable and essential asset that is the people or the employee force working in the Organization who contribute towards the success and achievement of the organization or the overall business. By this definition, I have learned that the most essential and vital part played in both the success and failure of the company are its employees (Hendry, 1995, pp.58). Besides, other some of the interesting aspect of HR that I have learned in my first year include,

Motivation in HRM

The most important aspect that I have learned regarding the role of HR is to ensure the employee motivation and the overall job satisfaction within the Organization. I have been taught several theories in class that have educated me of various practices that ensure motivation of employees. For instance Taylor in 1911 proposed that a scientific management system can be introduced that included payment by results. Herzberg in 1968 emphasized on the importance of the hygiene and employee motivation factors and stated that performance is high when the individuals are satisfied and motivated by the working conditions.

In addition, I have learned that the appraisal programs, bonuses, allowances and other similar techniques are essential to assure the hardworking employees that their performance and dedication is both recognized and rewarded. This information will help me adapt all these necessary practice to increase job satisfaction in my Organization (Hendry, 1995, pp.58).

Therefore, the knowledge has enabled me to exercise my observation skills and helped me more open towards new and updated ideas to identify precisely the issues faced by the employees and find solutions for them. This knowledge has also helped me to be more flexible and adaptable. These skills will help me in the future as HR personnel to deal with an individual employee accordingly in any firm or ...
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