Hrm Portfolio

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HRM Portfolio


Task One3

Introduction to the Organisation Selected for the Tasks Two to Ten4

Task Two6

Organisational Structure in Organisation's physical Retail Outlet6

Organisational Culture8

Three Recommended Changes9

Task Three11

Job description11

Analysis of the Job Description11

Recommendations to Improve12

Task Four13

Appropriate Recruitment and Selection Process13

Role of Human Resource Department within the Process of Recruitment and Selection14

Task Five15

Induction Programme for the New Hired Person15

Task Six16

Selection of the Position16

Analysing the Learning Needs of the New Hired Person17

Training Programme for the Appropriate Learning Needs17

Task Seven18

Problem of Absenteeism18

Analysing the Problem18

Appropriate Solution19

Suggestions to Improve the Situation20

Task Eight21

Suggesting Rewards Perspective in Accordance with the Job Fit21

Task Nine22

Analysis of the Organisation's Approach to Employee Relations22

Task Ten22

Fair Process for Ending the Employment Relationship22



HRM Portfolio


This paper intends to discuss the theories studied in this module in order to reflect my overall learning throughout the course of this module. The paper is based over answering different questions for different tasks. The first task is basically related to choosing a group or team that I have been in outside of this module. An overall analysis of the underlying success or failure of the group or team will be discussed within this task. For tasks two to ten; a retail organization will be selected and discussed. The different tasks are meant to explain my understanding of the theories and concepts studied within this module. The purpose of this paper is to make the readers aware about the different and important concepts associated with management positions on various issue like recruitment, selection and many others.

Task One

Choosing a team that I have been a part of outside this module remains a tricky task as I am one of the most successful team players throughout my entire life. For discussing the different aspects of my group along with its success story; I have decided to go discussing my team management of basket ball. I have been an active member of basket ball since quite a few times. Excelling within most of my basket ball games; I am now provided with the responsibilities to act as a captain. Apart from this particular team; I have always been performing well in all my group tasks and assignments as assigned by different module teachers.

I believe I have become a successful group or team player mainly because I work hard to focus over the theories of group dynamics and also respect the individuality of each group member. Discussing the success of my basket ball team makes it essential for me to state the different group theories and group dynamics. Working and excelling within the group or team environments is always considered to be difficult. However, I always find myself at ease and comfortable while performing in the team or group environment. The basic reason behind my comfort level is my communication skills along with my ability to relate with different group theories and apply them efficiently. For instance, during my basket ball matches; I always focus on resolving intergroup conflicts by making sure that all the team members are well mannered and do not ...
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