Hrm Perspectives

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HRM Perspectives

Different Perspectives of HRM

Different Perspectives of HRM


New and innovative perspectives of HRM are considered as one of the most important feature of any organization or business. It is because of the reason that, these innovative perspectives of HRM offers several theoretical analysis and deeply observed data, which may greatly help the organizations and businesses in improving and enhancing their business operations (Sims, 2001, pp. 125-128).

According to recent researches and case studies, several organizations and businesses have implemented different perspectives of HRM (human resource management), in order to develop and improve their business operations. Appropriate and effective perspectives of HRM allow the employees, employers as well as the line managers to perform their duties in a more efficient ways (Storey, 2007, pp. 89-91).

Recent researches demonstrate that these different perspectives of HRM are actually based on the studies and models of different practitioners which may include Guest's model as well as the Storey's definition. These models may significantly help the organizations in ensuring their smooth business operations. The proceeding paper demonstrates the brief description of Guest's model of HRM (human resource management) and the Storey's definitions of HRM (Armstrong, 2011, pp. 300-302). The proceeding paper also demonstrates the difference between Guest's model of HRM and Storey's definitions of HRM. The proceeding discussion also incorporates the importance of both of these models within the working environment.


Guest's Model of HRM (Human Resource Management)

HRM (human resource management) is considered as one of the foremost and the most effective department of any organization and it may significantly help any organization in managing, improving and sustaining their business procedures. Recent researches and case studies demonstrate that, several practitioners have researched on the role of HRM in the business and have proposed several theories and studies (Marchington &Wilkinson, 2005, pp. 202-205). In the year 1987, famous researcher Guest, proposed his model, which is named as Guest's Model of HRM. Basically, this model was based on the soft and hard approach of the HRM (human resources management) (Sims, 2001, pp. 125-128). The model of Guest allows the organizations or businesses to decentralize power and become suppler for its employees. It is because of the reason that this model emphasizes on the needs of each individual employee instead of collective workforce. Therefore, this model helps the organizations in increasing and enhancing the motivational, self-confidence and decision making capabilities of the employees (Marchington &Wilkinson, 2005, pp. 202-205).

Guest's model of HRM clearly elaborates that, there are four important features of the model that may significantly support the effectiveness of any organization or business (Storey, 2007, pp. 89-91). These features may include strategic integration, flexibility, high commitment and quality. All these features are considered as the key features of success for any organization. The features of Guest's model of HRM are briefly elaborated in the proceeding discussion.

Strategic Integration

Strategic integration is referred as the capability of any business to continue a fit between the business strategies and HRM strategies. Therefore, it is necessary for the organizations to ...
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