Hrm Assignment

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HRM Assignment

HRM Assignment


The Human Resource Management is based currently on the performance of organizations that depend on the contribution of individuals who compose it, the way they are organized and the investment that is made at the level of development. Organizations have today undoubtedly a much broader role of people. HR no longer seen as simple resources with specific skills to perform tasks and to achieve the organization's goals, to clearly pass to be considered people in the true sense of the word: with values, beliefs, attitudes, aspirations and individual goals (Huselid, 1995, pp. 635-672).

This paper discuses the role and importance of HRM in achieving an organization's purpose or goals and objectives. Human capital is a source of goodwill. The rapidly growing organization staff is a factor of competitive advantage. The purpose of human resource management is to use them in such a way that the employer has reached the optimum benefit from their skills and at the same time that employees have acquired the material and psychological wages resulting from their work (Guest, 2011, pp. 3-13). Managing people is mainly to solve problems in the system, which occurs due to the diversity of the people. The diversity in the people exists due to the different expectations and aspirations, views, experiences, and different perceptions of their role in the organization.

Literature Review

The management and human resources strategy approaches involve structural organization, since these can be understood as social spaces. The ability to engage people in organizational strategies, understanding of existing practices and their implications for both is requisite for the manager and researcher in organizations, demonstrating the relevance of the discipline. Strategy is defined as the resources are allocated to achieve a particular goal.

The Human Resource Management is no longer synonymous with control or standardization. Means to encourage the involvement and progress of HR, which certainly is one of the biggest challenges we all face, anyway regardless of the type of work performed, we need interpersonal relationships (Huselid, 1995, pp. 635-672). The HR manager of today and the future is part of a team that shares experiences and knowledge in order to find solutions to a wide variety of problems. Managing people should be more control procedures and routines, implies the involvement of all members of the organization, an investment in creativity and innovation as a differentiating factor. The quality that customers and companies want positive result of the behavior of people, and the best tool to achieve excellence qualitative is the human mind.

Moreover, for the success of a company or an organization, staffing, human resource development, compensation of employees, health and safety, and internal relation are critical matter that must be consider during the strategic planning.


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