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“HRM is concerned with How Organizations Manage their Workforce”

“HRM is concerned with How Organizations Manage their Workforce”


Human Resource is the most important and integral part of every organization. The way a HR department runs, deeply affects the whole organization. A hefty part of an organization's growth depends on the Human Resource department as they are responsible for recruiting the people who are suitable for the job. An organization needs talented and skilled people to drive their company towards success, and for that, the organization needs a capable and talented HR team. If a company has a flexible, highly skilled and strong management and workforce then it will surely be successful.

If a HR department fails to hire suitable employees and they also fail to see the problems of the company, then many problems are faced by the company. These problems will continue to increase if they are not dealt with immediately and properly. The company can face lose and conflicts because of the mismanagement of the HR department. Even if one department is in conflict, the whole company suffers. HR is one of the most versatile and hardest working functions of any organization.

This paper highlights the models of HRM and the how the HRM manages the workforce of the entire organization.

Models of HRM

Understanding HRM within the context of different organizations continues to grow in importance. Because of the complexity and heterogeneity of the context in which the organizations operate, unique HRM issues emerge in such organizations; the most dominant one being the opposing pressures for global integration on one hand, and local responsiveness on the. As such, a common influence in these models has been Perlmutter's (1969) work that identifies three distinct attitudes of top managers in the organizations towards building their worldwide operations. The distinction between ethnocentric, polycentric, and geocentric international orientations that differ on the extent to which global integration and local sensitivity are desired or achieved is a recurrent theme in most of the HRM models.

Evolutionary Models of Strategic International HRM

Evolutionary models of HRM are based on the notion that HRM practices of an organization depend on the various ways of classifying the evolution of the organization - such as organizational or product life cycle or the evolution of the strategic management process from local to global. For example, Adler and Ghadar (1990) examined the stages in a product's life cycle as the firm advances in to an increasingly global mode of operation. Their model predominantly focuses on the link between four stages of internationalization - domestic, internationalization, multinationalization, globalization - and expatriate management practices. For example, who will be assigned to expatriate positions (i.e. parent country nationals and third-country nationals), what impact will international assignments have on individuals' careers, and how they will be rewarded and compensated based on these four stages. Milliman et al. (1991) extended the Adler and Ghadar (1990) model based on an argument that product life cycles are too short and that many organizations have multiple products that go through different ...
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