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Role of HRM in recruitment and selection

Recruitment and selection at Unilever

Unilever is a leader in all activities that it undertakes. Unilever aspires to change and improve the way people live. Our innovative processes help us to accomplish our goals. Our employees and suppliers are our partners in all endeavours.

Unilever considers its employees to be an important asset and takes great care of employee needs. It provides employees with a competitive salary, annual leaves, healthcare allowances and takes care of other employee needs.

Unilever is an equal employment opportunity provider and believes in employing the talent held by people. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, age or disability. It provides equal opportunities for employment to individuals who can efficiently meet its competencies.

Unilever makes efforts to develop the skills of its employees providing them with on job trainings in diverse areas of its business. It believes in developing employee skills and develops their understanding of the company's core competencies.

Unilever believes in diversity and employees people from all regions. Its workforce belongs to different ethnicities, speaks different languages, and has different educational backgrounds. Regardless of their diversity, all employees work for the mutual benefit of the organization.

Unilever recruits employees who are best fit for the organization. The decision to recruit a candidate depends upon the degree to which his profile matches the organization requirements. The best employees are chosen for further screening. The final decision is made keeping in view the employees who could best fulfil organizations mission.Role of HRM in recruitment and selection


As the world is progressing at a rapid speed, it is imperial for businesses to manage the resources possessed by them. It is crucial to address the issues regarding the various resources an organization has as the competition has crossed the regional boundaries. Businesses are competing with others not only in their regions but across the globe. This has increased the important of managing the resources well. An organization has many resources such as capital assets, monetary assets, goodwill etc. However, along with these assets the most valuable asset possessed by any organization is its human resource. Human resource is the key to achieve competitive advantage as it is responsible to manage the other resources, which an organization poses. Hence, having the best talent on board is crucial for the success of any business. Recruitment and selection are the activities, which help an organization to acquire the best talent. In this paper, we will examine the recruitment and selection policies of Unilever UK.

Recruitment and selection

The process of recruitment and selection is often considered as a rational activity, which is deliberately planned and includes activities in a sequence each having a specific phase. These activities of sourcing employees are within the domain of the larger human resource management system. Recruitment and selection are two different terms, but they are interlinked. This link between the two activities has been clearly explained by Bratton and Gold (2007). According to them, Recruitment is a process, which helps an organization to ...
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