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Human Resource Management Assignment

Human Resource Management Assignment


Human resource management

In today's era, the globalization has increased to great extent and this aspect has given rise to the competition among the organisations in the industries. The overall success of the organisation depends upon many factors. The organisations develop and implement various strategies and approaches in the business processes so as to attain the organisational goals and objectives successfully and to attain the competitive position among the competitors in the industries. The organisations are required to build up and put into practice such plans and approaches that guarantee the success and growth of the organisation. All the management aspects of the organisation have direct and significant impact upon the organisational performances. Along with other management aspects in the businesses organisation, there is a great importance of human resource management department. The human resource management department is concerned with the employees' related issues and is concerned with the performances management of the employees. There are various functions of the human resource department that significantly impacts the employees' overall performances that further impacts the overall performances of the organisation.


The management of the employees has become very challenging in today's fast pace of competition and globalisation. The increased globalisation has compelled the organisations to hire diverse works forces and this aspect has further extended the challenges to the human resource departments within the organisations. There are various human resource management strategies that are being utilized by the modern organisations so as to manage the diverse work forces within the organisations with great effectiveness and to retain the potential employees that can assist them in attaining the organisational missions and targets. The following section aims at discussing in detail the major approaches that are used by the human resources management departments within the organisations.

Human resources management approaches

Different types of organizations have to implement different types of human resource approaches depending upon the organizational structure and the organizational culture. The most common approaches that are used by the human resource management involves building employee relation approach, motivational approach, conflict resolution approach, employee development approaches as well as the approaches related to the employee and employer communication. Different organisations use different approaches or the combination of approaches depending upon the capabilities and skills of their human resource departments. The application of the human resource management approaches varies according to the organisational contexts. The modern organisations are making the use of all the human resource management approaches. They are focusing on developing the effective and efficient employee relations so that the adequate level of comfortable and flexible work environment can be provided to the employees where they can give their valuable opinions and options to the managers for bringing positive changes in the work environment ((Brewster, C., Mayrhofer, W., Morley, M., 2000, pp. 50). The organisations that have decentralized organisational structures are more involved in building employee relations and in the implementation of other approaches so as to encourage the employees to give their enhanced ...
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