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\Use of HRM Theory and Models

Use of HRM Theory and Models


Planning staff includes identification of needs for personnel, planning of measures to attract staff, its adaptation and development. Planning staff can be viewed in three different time horizons, which correspond to different approaches to planning staff. Time intervals refer to the following planning their varieties:

Short-term planning of staff (a period of not more than a year);

Medium-term planning of staff (from one to five years);

Long-term planning of staff (more than five years) (Armstrong, Michael, 2006, pp. 23-25).

Short-term planning focuses mainly on the use of personnel, and medium and long term planning needs to pay attention to staff recruitment, development, and its release. The purpose of the medium-and long-term personnel planning is the timely completion of training. To do this, the potential need for staff is considered to obtain from data on staff turnover, and prospects for the company. The concept of long-term personnel policy, fully taking into account the mentioned aspects, is implemented by the planning staff. This method is intended to harmonize overlapping interests of employers and employees (Batt, Doellgast, 2005, pp. 138-142). HR planning should be undertaken in the interests of the company, and in the interests of staff. The essence of the planning staff is to create the conditions for the provision of jobs at the right time and in an amount which corresponds to the requirements of not only business but also the abilities and aptitudes of employees. Optimally, jobs must meet the requirements of decent working conditions, to enable employees to improve their skills and increase production efficiency. To this end, planning staff should create incentives for higher productivity and job satisfaction. Attractive are, first of all, those jobs where the conditions for the development of abilities of workers and to guarantee high and fixed wages. The task of workforce planning is to consider the interests of all employees. Strictly for the company in the staffing plan is the most important match between the objectives and goals between business and the temporal, spatial and quantitative factors having staff with the necessary qualifications (Bechet, 2002, pp. 31).

Importance of HR planning

Human resource planning is an essential part that holds the management companies, and this is because it is responsible for projecting to be carried out with respect to the activities to be developed using human resources. If we analyze all the trends for corporate governance, we can see that most companies to achieve proper development of this management tool, represents a considerable challenge (Becker, Huselid, Ulrich, 2001, pp. 71-75). It is important that before developing a plan that can be efficient, for human resource planning have regard to the purposes we want to achieve by planning them. Generally, it is carried out in order to achieve greater participation by the manager who must apply the most important decisions, placing it in this way is a strategic position for the company. It is essential that while engaged in human resource planning, responsible for this function must be highly ...
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