Hr, Change Management

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HR, Change Management

Human Resources and Change Management

Human Resources and Change Management

Ans # 1:

Recruitment is the process of attracting new people to the organization. This could include fresh graduates, experienced people in the field and a lot of other categories. Whereas Selection is a process of hiring a person to fill a particular post. This person could be either an existing employee or from outside the organization. The selection process takes place after the recruitment process. As being newly hired in to the HR division of a multinational company, my job description involves recruiting and hiring the right and the most deserved people for the job. Recruitment and selection is an extensive process and takes quite a while to complete. The recruitment and selection process in this organization will be defined in the following format:

Process overview

The need for the job and its adequate funding.

Review of job description to ensure all current and future requirements are met.

Design the selection process

Draft the advertising material and select the form of media

Short list using person's specifications

Interview and test short listed candidates

Validate background checks, qualifications, etc

Make appointment

It would my responsibility to make sure each and every step is followed strictly and efficiently.

Review the need for the job:

The search and selection procedure is an opportunity to review position responsibilities and how well the position may be able to benefit the concerned unit/department. The concerned department will have to revise the job specifications to ensure all current and future needs are met. Now it becomes my responsibility to ensure that all demands of the concerned department are met during the selection process. According to that, I will decide if the hired person should be given a full time, part time or fixed time period contract.

Design (search committees)

Search committees are mainly involved when the person is offered a permanent position in the company. I would be responsible to judge the need for a committee for the recruitment process. In any case I would have to make sure that the process is unbiased and there is no appearance of favoritism.


When a vacancy occurs, I would review the current existing job description and make the necessary changes where needed. Then I would send this to the concerned department where the vacancy has opened. The director or manager of that department would analyze the draft and then it would make changes where he needs them. After carefully going through the draft, it would approve it and send it back to me for posting. The postings of the ads depend on its costs and how much could the company afford. Generally, the postings are done on the internet on different websites as well as the local newspaper. The basic idea is to create awareness amongst people for the available job.

Selection process


All the applications that are submitted for the job would be thoroughly read. The candidates that will be short listed should fulfill the criteria. Additional requirements cannot be made at this stage because it will not be ...
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