How Would You Evaluate Your Company For Risks? Design A Plan For The Prevention Of Workplace Violence.

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How would you evaluate your company for risks? Design a plan for the prevention of workplace violence.

How would you evaluate your company for risks? Design a plan for the prevention of workplace violence (Bowie, 2002).



Workplace Violence

Workplace Violence


Occupational violence or workplace violence can be defined as the violence, which is mostly in the form of a threat or physical abuse which poses a threat to the safety or the health of an employee of a company. It may also pose a threat to multiple employees. It is important for the policy makers of the company to make such policies which help in the elimination or the reduction of workplace violence, because workplace violence destroys the culture of the company, as well as, portray a negative image of the company in front of the world. Making plans to reduce the risks that come along the workplace violence need to address by all the companies . It is important that the managers, who are responsible for making policies of the company, address this issue so that the company's image can be saved in front of the media, as well as, the customers and general public. Making a plan against the risk of workplace violence is going to be the highlight of this assignment. The company under discussion is a retail business of a small scale that employs around 85 people in the business. These employees include part time, as well as, full time workers. The company wishes to be proactive to problems and risks like workplace violence. This assignment will evaluate the company for risks of workplace violence, as well as, make a plan to prevent workplace violence in the company (Bowie, 2002).



According to a recent survey done by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there has been an increase in the workplace violence and the reported incidents of the same. There have been 13,827 incidents that have been reported related to workplace violence from 1992 to 2012. On an average, there have been 700 incidents of workplace violence each year in the United States of America. According to the data available, the majority of incidents of workplace violence occurred to males. However, workplace violence also negatively affects the females in the organizations. Most of the cases of workplace violence are non fatal. Most of the cases of workplace violence are simple assaults, and a small percentage of it is categorized as aggravated assaults ( (Schmalleger, 2012).

Risk Assessment and Evaluation

A risk assessment plan for workplace violence is an integral part of a good occupational safety and health management plan which is meant to improve the health and safety of the workers. A good assessment of workplace violence include the following (Schmalleger, 2012).

A good assessment plan will include awareness program which will help in identifying the possible violence risks and hazards.

This plan will also help in identifying that who is at risk and who ...