'how We Decide' By Jonah Lehrer

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'How we Decide' by Jonah Lehrer


Jonah Lehrer's “How We Decide” tends to shed light on the ways an individual tends to take the decisions. This book tends to shed light on the path through which an individual tends to walk through before taking the decision. The decision making process in ranked amongst the most complicated processes as rendered by the experts. In the context of this book the author tends to critically analyze the processes based on which an individual tends to take the decision. This book tends to focus on the way brain of the individual tends to work plus it also allows the reader to come to terms with the processes involved through which he or she can better craft his or her thinking skills in order to meet the set objectives (Lehrer, p.13). In the course of the paper we intend to look the idea presented by the author on the perspective of relationship/marriage.

In the light of the book it can be stated that before taking the decision of any nature an individual needs to review the alternative courses through which a goal can be achieved according to the circumstances and constraints. Plus, the decision making skills also tends to surrender to the abilities in order to analyze and evaluate the alternatives according to the desired goal. Based on the identified approach the individual needs to inculcate the desire to reach the best solution by selecting the alternative that satisfies more effectively in order to achieve the framed goal or objective. Thus, in the context of the paper we tend to analyze some of the critical aspects which can help the individual formulate his or her cognitive process.


The decisions are part of our lives; therefore, the mechanisms are essential for any human action. Today, after decades of research, science is able to literally look inside the brain and decipher the major reasons functions of the brain. The following aspects extracted from the Jonah Lehrer's “How We Decide” helps to understand the functioning of human brain.

Loss Aversion

The term Loss Aversion tends to refer to the willingness of the people to lose instead of gaining. Since it is the loses which the individual tends to face which acts as a much more powerful tool as pitched against the acquiring gains. This phenomenon tends to be based on the fact that we more afraid of losing as compared to the pleasure of acquiring or earning. Accepting the loss is difficult for the human mind, and allows the individual to gauge the solutions on which bars the individual form, loosing. In case of a financial market it is identified as the reluctance which tends to be common among investors, particularly novices to part with an asset that is worth less than the market price when the owner had bought it, even if this depreciation merely reflects a deteriorating outlook for this asset.

Thus, in the context the paper the loss aversion is perceived in the context of the relationship. An individual will ...