How To Tell A True War Story

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How to Tell a True War Story

How to Tell a True War Story


Trauma of War and losses has very lasting effects, which result in worst consequences not only for the victims of war, but also for the soldiers. Tim O'Brien's used first person narrative to express the pains and sufferings of War in “How to Tell a True War Story” and how storytelling can be serve as a response to these losses and cowardice. According to O'Brien's narrator, there are many stories associated with the war, even if the story is about events that are not true, art of storytelling makes it appear more real than the actual truth is. Calloway agrees that tales by O'Brien “demonstrate well the impossibility of knowing the reality of the war in absolute terms” (Calloway, 1995, p.249). According to O'Brien there are various elements and themes of the story that makes it appear real and true (O'Brien, 2009). One of such element is catharsis. First person narrative provides close link and insight to the experience of the story, and effect of catharsis makes it more acceptable truth than a story. The main theme of this story is that sharing experiences, views, communication, and storytelling are the ways that can assist in dealing with the state of trauma and help to reduce the effect of painful memories.

Thesis Statement

Metafiction is the combination of fiction and reality, which assist in dealing with the traumas and sufferings of war in the form of catharsis.


In this story, O'Brien reflects his idea that how stories saves life and prevent from psychological traumas. He also reflects his ideas and views that how story telling can help in convey messages that are sometimes ignored in the real life situations. Exaggeration in stories also adds impact of the story, and this is ...
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