How To: Recover From A Social Media Pr Disaster

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How to: Recover from a Social Media PR Disaster

How to: Recover from a Social Media PR Disaster


In the selected article, Gunelius (2012) talks about the inevitable nature of slips that can cause a major PR disaster over the social media. The notorious social media disasters such as that of Chrysler, Red Cross and Gilbert Gottfried, are a testament to the aforementioned. When people maintain more than one account, they sometimes end up mixing up their personal and professional messages (Sniderman, 2011). While all slips can cause a major disaster, there are some that need serious attention and timely response from the company. Then there are also those that happen accidentally but turn out to be in favor of the company or the brand. Nonetheless, if is vital for both businesses and individuals to understand how these disasters happen and how they can be avoided. The writer suggests simple steps that can be taken in order to avoid a minor slip over the social media from turning into a major PR disaster.


I do agree with the writer that slips such as the ones discussed in the article are certainly inevitable and the PR disaster of the sort can happen to anyone and anytime. What really matters is the post slip reaction which can make or break the brand under question. The PR disaster of United Airlines is quite notorious and is one of its kind. Famous artist Dave Carroll was raveling through the airline along with his guitar which got destroyed by the airline staff while handling the luggage. The guitar valued $3500 and the artist filed a suit for the reimbursement of his guitar which ran against the company for a whole year, to the utter disappointment of the artist. He posted a humorous video of the story behind ...
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