How To Improve Patient Safety

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How to improve patient safety

How to improve patient safety


Patient health, care and satisfaction are the basic goals of the health care system. The health care professionals work on the patient centred approach, and try to deliver the best quality services. Patient safety and support are the most important elements of the nursing profession. These nurses spend the longest time span with the patient, and; therefore, they can greatly contribute to the process of improving the patient safety.


Nursing is a noble profession, and the basic roles and responsibilities of a nurse are designed on the basis of patient care. There are many patients who partially or completely depends on these nurses in terms of support and care while they are admitted in the hospitals, clinics or the nursing homes. Many of these patients are suffering from diseases in which they have to face limited or complete immobilization or they are too old to support their mobility process. Falls in the clinical settings are not an uncommon problem, and they are one of the largest reasons of the increasing mortality and morbidity in patients. The safety of these patients is the key responsibility of the nurses.

Obstacles in the patient care and safety

Falls in nursing homes

A patient is completely dependent on the care givers in the clinical settings. Tenants in anticipatory thought are individuals that depend on the care providers, and the nursing care providers are liable for their well-being. This must be re?ected in efficacious wellbeing management, danger evaluation and single foresight masterminding arrangements. Excellent checks of health and wellbeing don't happen without impulse (Bexley, 2003, p.4-7). Secure systems of work must be figured and executed, and the nursing staff must be adequately trained. In diverse proclamations, health and wellbeing must be directed to the degree that whatever reasonable part of the business.

Communication errors

The communication plays a key role in developing the patient nurse relationship and promoting patient compliance to the therapy. The lack of communication generates problems like patient confusion and lack of satisfaction towards the therapeutic regimen (Department of Health, 2010, pp.5-7). Ineffective poor communication can even be dangerous as patients might get false impressions. The process of getting their wires cross can lead to the wrong diagnosis and errors in medications (nursingtimes, 2007).

Lack of training

Lack of training of the new nurses can lead to an endangered patient safety. With the advancement in technology, there has been a lot of machineries and electronic data base systems that have been installed in nearly every health care settings. Unfortunately, many nurses are still unable to understand the process of using this technology and taking appropriate care of the patient by using them.

Nursing shortage

The nursing shortage is one of the most alarming problems in the nursing profession. As the baby boomers are ageing, there has been an increase in the requirement of new nurses. The nurses are over burdened with the work load and therefore, sometimes they do not tale care f the patient in a way they should. This results in compromised ...
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