How To Choose A College Major

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How to Choose a College Major

How to Choose a College Major

When I got an admission in the renowned college, I was highly enthusiastic and joyful and was unable to hide these feelings. Later on, I have to select major course from literature and sociology, which were my favorite courses during high school. On the other hand, my enthusiasm was transformed into restless nights instantly after joining the college when the head of career management told me that I must select one major subject between literature and sociology. The question is how I choose a major? This was the most tough and difficult question that lingered me to about a week.

After a serious consultation and reevaluation, I came across the article of Professor Randall .S Hansen titled “Choosing a college major: How to chart your ideal paths” in modeling the careers, which I discovered not merely educative; however, transformed my process of cognitive into having a career, which I have benefited from all through. Based on Randall, the most stressful instant is a significant process in selecting a major. A person must firstly think before making any decision. The first step of choosing a major must be the personal enthusiasm and thrill as regards to what career excite you, when I you some person doing them or when you believe of them (Vandermey, Meyer, Van Rys & Sebranek, 2012). As a person, I enjoyed seeing some of creative art in magazines, and I enjoy many literature works and performing art.

In St. Petersburg times, Dalia Wheat Colon offered support to the first stop journey hypothesis of Randall and asserted that assess oneself on the subject of the high school, which used to interest and excite you. For me, I used to be enthusiastic with the subject of literature in high school ...
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