How The Book Has Changed Your Perspective On citizenship Now And In The Future

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How the Book Has Changed Your Perspective on

Citizenship Now and In The Future

How the Book Has Changed Your Perspective on

Citizenship Now and In The Future


“Soul of a Citizen awakens within us the desire and the ability to make our voices heard and our actions count. We can lead lives worthy of our convictions”(

Books are always a major source to change our views, ideas, beliefs and perception that not only stimulate thoughts, but also define the way of life (Cole, 2008). Soul of a Citizen is a book written by Paul Rogat Loeb that presents lives and experiences of Americans and their social involvement. This book is a complete guide for to mould our actions in the social interactions and to learn that how we can be more productive and effective in our efforts to organize and bring changes in the world around us. This book gives us lesson for the community involvement and our responsibilities towards society. He clearly reflects on the cynicism and isolation in the society that results in creating gap between communities through class conflicts and racial and social discriminations. According to Loeb, psychological and spiritual connections are very essential in human interactions (Loeb, 2010). He presents life of ordinary people like us, in a heroic portray and in a way that every individual is important in the society and he can play his part in the world, to bring changes. This book gives us lesson through lives of activists in order to work together with support to involve in the cause for community.

Thesis Statement

 Loeb's Soul of a Citizen is one of such excellent books that has changed my thinking and perspectives of about the citizenship now and in the future.


This is very inspiring book that really changed the perception and views of people. In the modern world, where people are only concerned about their own lives and they never care for their responsibilities towards community, this book is a voice that really makes us think and reconsider our actions. Like most of people in the world, I always had concern about my life, career and my responsibilities towards my family. I had always thought that everyone is selfish and cared only for their own benefits. After reading this book I realized that it is not the fact and there are a number of people who live for others and they devote their lives for the humanity. It is not something surprising because there are hundreds and thousands of such people and we always consider them as great and icon like mother Teresa, and we think that these people are exceptional. This book opened my eyes and I realized that we have such people around us, the ordinary people, who are real heroes, and to be like them there is no need to be exceptional.

This assisted me in understanding and identifying the real facts associated with the society and community. Being a social animal, it is not possible for anyone to live in isolation and ...