How Roche Diagnostics Develops Global Managers

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How Roche Diagnostics Develops Global Managers

How Roche Diagnostics Develops Global Managers


In today's rapidly changing business environment it is not easy for people to stick to a single state or change that occurs in organizations. The role of leaders cannot be avoided in not only managing people but also a changing environment through their charismatic and transformational style (Bonfante, 2011). Leadership can be defined as an activity of influencing people to strive willingly for the achievement of any set objectives by a particular group. In addition, it is also a fact that for a time, the recognition of potential leaders was based on the concept that there are certain characteristics that a good leader should possess. This approach has been modified in the light of modern research and suggests that, the characteristics of a leader do not sufficiently establish the difference between them and their followers or good leaders from the bad (Northouse, 2012).

No doubt, leadership has received a widespread attention from various circles and is capable to meet the challenges of modern economy. However, it is an immediate need of time to conduct further research on leadership so that adaptability of this field can be increased to manage emerging business models, maintain organization's values high and ensure the achievement in the light of organization's vision. This ability can be developed by allowing managers to streamline themselves with the values and beliefs of the organizations (Rego et al., 2012). In other words, today's dynamic nature of business requires an effective strategy to develop global managers.


Importance of Managers

Researchers claim that managers just not assign tasks to their employees but also motivate and encourage them to achieve goals (Smirchich, 2009). In fact, managers at Roche Diagnostics can be seen as a crucial layer or backbone that is essential to conduct business as well as achieve success in today's global marketplace. No doubt, Roche Diagnostics is doing business with this layer in their management but it can be seen that some vital things are lacking in the company's management including the concept of leadership, coaching, shielding, motivating and advising. In other words, Roche Diagnostics needs to invest enough to develop the ability to lead, coach, motivate or control people in order to compete global challenges. The basic roles of company's managers can be defined as:

Interpersonal Roles: These roles are adopted by managers while coordinating and interacting with employees within the company.

Informational Roles: These roles help the managers in handling, analyzing and sharing information among the employees.

Decisional Roles: These roles are for the top level managers of the company who require decision making ability.

Strategies to Develop Global Managers

Managers' role is very influential in facilitating Roche Diagnostics to attain their business goals through the effective use of management theories. It is essential for the company develop management skills that are required to contribute in organization's success. Some of the strategies are:

Management skills

Political: these skills are used to construct a power based on well established connections.

Conceptual: these skills are used by the managers to analyze multifaceted ...