How Occupational Stress Affects Mental Health?

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How occupational stress affects mental health?

How occupational stress affects mental health?


The theory of affect of stress works in way that your normal state of mind gets demolished along with all your rationality, ambitions, goals and happiness and it converts you into a depress and sad human being. In simple word stress diminishes the pleasure seeking concept of a human mind and that all it gives it depression. Stress is the most dangerous psychological effect on a human mind, which alters and destroys every single bit of happiness inside a human mind. Along with mental and physical illness, stress disturbs the logical and rational way of thinking of a human mind. This depression caused by stress makes every aspect of life difficult to handle and alters the way we sue to live before all the stress came into our lives. Anger is response activity to the accumulated stress inside a human mind.

Affect of Stress on mental Health

Stress is a normal response that makes you feel alert and threatened and it misbalances your biological system. It can cause hunger problems. Stress is the portion of death and this idea is stated by many philosophers of the dark ages. It is a research fact that stress causes mental stress and it alters the way a brain functions of any specific person. Along with mental and physical illness stress disturbs the logical and rational way of thinking of a human mind. The most devastating effect of stress is the dangerous long-term effects on mental health. The theory of affect of stress works in way that your normal state of mind gets demolished along with all your rationality, ambitions, goals and happiness and it converts you into a depress and sad human being.

This depression caused by stress makes every aspect of life difficult to handle and alters the way we sue to live before all the stress came into our lives. Stress is the most dangerous psychological effect on a human mind, which alters and destroys every single bit of happiness inside a human mind (Baum & Singer, 1987). What we do not understand about stress is the after affects of it. In simple word stress diminishes the pleasure seeking concept of a human mind and that all it gives it depression. Stress causes the following effects on the mind.


Anxiety is the feeling of extreme tension and it is experienced when a person is in a state of tension. This tension inside a person is reflected by the concept of worrying about a particular thing or entity. This type of stress has two forms, objective anxiety and neurotic anxiety. Objective anxiety is very interesting concept according to Freud it is caused by the realistic approach of a target or a goal. On the other hand, neurotic anxiety is caused by subconscious intentions, which the person itself does not not understand. As the person does not understand, the concept of subconscious pressure control on this phenomenon is nearly impossible without any professional help (Stranks, ...
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