How Nursing Has Applied To Relational Epistemologies

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How Nursing has applied to Relational Epistemologies

How Nursing has applied to Relational Epistemologies


Nursing care is based on a relationship of human interaction and social characterizing its nature as an object. The structural complexity of care nursing lies in its human and social nature, and the dialogic and reciprocal interaction between the nurse and the subject carefully, in which develops an exchange of life processes and human development different, with a particular way of understanding life, health, disease and death. In this interaction with the individual care, individual and collective, the verbal communication, gestures, and affective attitude becomes a stage for the encounter with the other and priority to develop and be with other words, it is an essential element of care. We can say that, essentially nursing care is a process of subject-subject interaction directed to care, support and work with individuals and groups in the achievement, promotion and recovery of health through the realization of their fundamental needs. The clinical nursing practice has been studied primary-mind from a sociological perspective. So we have learned much about the role of relationships, socialization and acculturation in nursing practice.

It is important to note the contribution of philosophy to the development of science. The philosophy of knowledge helps to see things not seen before, as it clarifies the concepts, because thinking systematizes relying on things like common sense, logic, evidence or ethics. It also allows a critical analysis of the structure of reality, the structural origin and scope of knowledge, valid argument, human action and its values, beauty or aesthetics, and history of philosophy to compose critically certain argumentations. In nursing philosophy can be aimed at a mechanistic reductionist reflecting reactivity, prioritize knowledge, or structure, or focuses on the self and experience, to try to understand its meaning, interpretation, worry and living situations.


It is known that the most innovative epistemological models are related to social sciences as epistemology has been directed primarily toward the culture, society and human affairs. It rebuilt the interaction between the subject and object in the process of production of knowledge and intercommunication between the different areas of knowledge through logic and dialectical thinking and relation, which allows a person to place objects of knowledge in context and in the totality to which they belong.

Human nature and social nursing care are dimension to human groups, requires epistemological and methodological pluralism considering the possibilities and limitations of each research approach proposed to address the care in its objective and subjective aspect. In this sense, nursing as a discipline and profession faces challenge of building a comprehensive knowledge. The dimension of nursing care to groups is enriched by the knowledge production, from creative and critical process of the subjects and with the reconstruction of the meaning of the actions required to transform their living conditions and health. This reinforces the role of nurse to accompany the processes of community development. In the philosophy of nursing, there are four basic concepts: Nursing as an art and science; The patient as a person; The ...
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