How Much Can Any Citizen Or Family Demand From Society?

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How Much Can Any Citizen Or Family Demand From Society?

How Much Can Any Citizen Or Family Demand From Society?

Exactly how much a person or family can expect from society is a debatable subject. A society holds the responsibility of providing to its citizens the things they need in everyday life. These things include not only basic amenities like clean drinking water and hygienic food but also access to proper healthcare services (Walker & Thompson, 2008). Another very important responsibility that falls on the shoulders of the society is to provide protection to the helpless and the innocent, such as those too poor to look after themselves, or too sick. For these people, medical treatment is particularly an issue because of its high cost. In such cases, the responsibly to cater to the needs of the public rests on the shoulders of society (Walker & Thompson, 2008).

In a social setting, there are numerous stakeholders. For example, the public can be seen as the primary stakeholder of a society. This is because they are provided the largest number of benefits as they live and prosper in the social setting. These benefits include, food, shelter, security etc. on the other hand, the administration running a society is also an important stakeholder since its main objective is to ensure that the needs of the society and its inhabitants are fulfilled (Rosanvallon & Goldhammer, 2007). Other stakeholders of the society may include the local law enforcement and the healthcare facilities in the region both of which have a genuine interest towards ensuring the safety and good health of the citizens.

There are many people who make claims that it is not the responsibility of society to become involved in the daily affairs and that they should rather exercise restriction of self-expression. It is, however, important to note ...