How Medicare Works

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How Medicare works

Thesis statement

Health care is Industry of the State , which aims to organize and ensure affordable medical services. and it represents a set of measures of political , economic , social , legal , scientific , medical , hygienic , anti-epidemic and cultural measures aimed at preserving and strengthening the physical and mental health of each person , keeping his long and active life , giving him medical assistance in case of deterioration health .

Medical insurance with other types of insurance, just as the way the contract in advance and disease who receive medical insurance , the establishment of medical insurance funds; when the insured person sick and went to medical institutions for treatment after medical expenses incurred by the medical insurance companies to give some financial compensation.

Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is also having two functions:

The transfer of risk transfer and compensation

The individual risk of the body caused by disease, economic loss apportioned to the threat of all members of the same risks, together with the medical insurance fund to compensate the economic losses caused by disease.


There is no doubt that the basic health care, represent the first level of contact of individuals, family and community health system and national, which makes health care as close as possible to places of living and working individuals, which represents the first component of the healthcare process ongoing, and include a specific set of basic services that provide treatment, a cost-effective impact of important health problems for residents in addition to the prevention of disease and improving health behavior in an integrated and socially acceptable, with a focus on the participation of families and communities. (Christensen, 2009, pp. 266)

Medicare is the name given to the system of health insurance administered by the United States government for the benefit of people over 65 or meets certain criteria.

Medical insurance, signed July 30, 1965 into law, President Lyndon Johnson, is a social insurance program managed by the U.S. government to provide health insurance coverage who is 65 years and over. "Of people when people began to use 19 million Medicare increased over the previous year this figure has been an upward trend of population aging. It is estimated that 77 million people will participate in health insurance benefit plans in 2030 advantage.

Are in the medical insurance benefits program has many advantages. These include: Individuals can use conventional medical private insurance plans. In the health care provider does not need to select from a list of suppliers. Individuals can still use your regular doctor. However, the "comprehensive benefits, you need to see your attending physician (PCP) for all of your health care, first of all in addition to areas outside the emergency and emergency medical services outside the region" (ehealthlink). In addition, if you need an expert, you must use a referral by your doctor.

Free or low cost monthly payment, usually from a person's social security check is deducted. Who is the most non-payment of long-term care of people employed ...
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