How I Was Before And How I Hope Will Become

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How I Was Before And How I Hope Will Become

How I Was Before And How I Hope Will Become

“A man who has never gone to school may steal from a freight car; but if he has a university education, he may steal the whole railroad”. Theodore Roosevelt.

The above mentioned quote may be termed as a nice piece of humor but in some case it really turns right. Education delivered not in a proper way has every possibility of turning rouge.

My life can be termed as the catalogue of various experiences. After I have analyzed myself regarding to the type of career I may pursue in my life, in order to be successful. I have decided to pay focus on business since the selection of this major subject opens many possibilities in the future as it is a well rewarded career. Other career types limit me to do one type of job despite of opening all opportunities of accomplishment. With more chance to succeed in college life post-college life, there is a great chance of me getting a job up to my expectations.

For instance, after taking some classes of 'General Education' now I feel more prepare every day more energetic more enthusiastic; prior to the fact that these are the most valuable and important classes, they are the main upbringing block in my education career. After taking them, there is another step ahead for the chores with all knowledge gain at the beginning of my career college, consequently master is a great education at Keiser University having an a excellent reputation as one of the best schools in Florida.

I know this is an accomplishment for me academically but if I am given this opportunity I will do all that I can to reach the goal of being a great student. I will be challenged in many different ways, but throughout my life I have had to face adversity with my daughters. I never take anything for granted and if I am given this opportunity it will give me the chance to prove to myself that I can be the student that I always wished to be. A good scholar has to manage study every day. Study engages reading the textbooks, realise them, be adept to interpret it to other ones and occasionally memorize the most significant concepts. As a creature of custom, it is significant to have a exceptional location and a exceptional time to study (Darling, 2005).

A good scholar tries to find a tranquil location and furthermore trial to study throughout those times that he/she works best. While revising, a good scholar can furthermore use this time to manage the assignment and allotted reading. They are, most of the time, the application of what is enclosed in class. This assists me to proceed over the last course I had, the next one that I would take and furthermore manage my homework. Thus, we furthermore cited the necessity to join class ...
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