How I Eat The Things I Eat And Why

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How I Eat the Things I Eat and Why


The common sense shows itself as breakfast an important meal of the three or four that most people perform every day. In some cultures, breakfast reaches importance that is considered the main meal of the day; not only for food but that compose the social role it plays.

Now, from the physiological standpoint, the first meal of the day breaks a very long period of fasting: Hours of sleep. During sleep, various brain functions "fall asleep" in need of energy intake that will provide breakfast to wake for the day. The basic nutrients to meet this objective are the vitamins, iron, zinc and calcium among other minerals.

A nutritious breakfast is defined as a balanced combination of milk, bread, cereals and fruits varied that combined represent 30% of the nutrients that the body needs daily to function properly to work during the day. Also, a full breakfast is linked to better solid performance and mental.

In the childhood, I used to try skipping my breakfast as I was unaware of its importance. As I grew up, I realized its importance, and now I barely miss it. I take balanced diet in my breakfast that keeps me active till the lunch time. I never go for heavy meals as they make me fat and lazy. Whereas, a breakfast should be of such type that provides energy and strength.

The most important meal of the day

Various studies have shown that the first meal of the day helps children to think quickly, pay attention and communicate appropriately with the environment.

A school-age child who attends his school without breakfast properly, you have memory and concentration difficulties, or you may feel tired and nervous. All brain functions that have been linked with a good breakfast.

It is important to note that the brain feeds on glucose and runs through it. Therefore, breakfast should provide 140 grams of that substance, not to be incorporated into the body must be replaced depending on the fat, reserve fuel source, but much less effective.

The lack of awareness about the importance of breakfast crosses, all social sectors, must educate people so that values for the biological function correctly this first meal.

Studies have shown that the neglect of breakfast leads to multiple negative effects for the child's health, and for adult health. These effects: memory loss, decline of creative thinking capacity, frequent irritability and anxiety, stress, provoked by hunger, difficulty in thinking logically. At the same time, the rejection of the morning meal provokes a state of fatigue due to lack of vital energy. In this situation, the body lacks the required amount of "fuel", so the person finds it difficult to concentrate, he can begin dizziness, impaired balance, impaired vision, muscle spasms, even fainting.

A huge number of people in particular - women - go without breakfast. Women tend to spend more time with your appearance and make-up for this sacrifice breakfast. Many a cup of coffee with a cigarette substitute first meal. Unfortunately, these people know that breakfast ...
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