How Has The Cultural Identity Of China Responded To And Adapted To Contact With Foreigners?

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How has the Cultural Identity of China Responded to and Adapted to Contact with Foreigners?

How has the Cultural Identity of China Responded to and Adapted to Contact with Foreigners?


Ancient Chinese civilization, which prospered in the productive basins of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River, is one of the earliest civilizations in the world. The foremost dynasty of primeval China was the Xia, which is approximately four thousand years earlier than the present (Ebrey, 2009). The first joint central government of the country, the Qin Dynasty, was instituted in 221 BCE whereas the Qing Dynasty, which was the last dynasty of ancient China, ended in the year 1912 with the origin of the Republic of China. The end of civil war, brought the formation of the People's Republic of China in 1949 (Ebrey, 2009).


Chinese mainland residents and foreigners in a similar way have long been enthralled with Chinese archeological findings. The scholars as early as the Han dynasty recorded details regarding the past. Throughout the Song dynasty, the scholars wrote documents unfolding early bronze ritual vessels. At the end of 1800s and the beginning of 1900s, the travelers from Europe put across certain details to their fellow citizens in relation to enthralling ancient locations that they had made out (Ebrey, 2009). Certain persons, like Britain's Aurel Stein revealed the most important sites and encouraged sinologists to carry out significant research on chronological texts and other resources. A recognized means for collecting and construing data on the subject of life in the history, including the critical background of objects, not only the objects themselves, started to expand subsequent to the founding and organization of the geology field in China. The formation of the China's Geological Survey was a decisive moment, and it also promoted an ambiance of scientific teamwork among foreign and ...