How Has Data Automation Effective Logistic

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How has Data Automation Effective Logistic


There are several requirements set in the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), which are enforced on 'Biocard' by the contract. They include: notifying Fisher Clinical Services each time the cargo is obtained and kits are consigned to the medical centers, verifying the numbers of each kit with the enclosed in the boxes pro-forma invoices and than sending these numbers in electrical devices format to the contact person at Fisher Clinical Services. As well each time the package or packages are send to a specific medical center 'Biocard' has to affirm the fact of consignment by getting shipping documentation signed and consigned with a person going by car or faxed back to the office.

When the require in additional clinical material arises a medical center sends the request message to Fisher Clinical Services through Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS), which is part of Fisher Automated Clinical Trials Services (FACTS). However, that system only operates exactly between Fisher and the research centers (not Biocard). When the request is made by a medical center Biocard receives an e-mail, which contains a set of numbers. These numbers split up into groups and match the ones marked on each kit.

The requirements of the system

After carrying out several open interviews with employees I had an opening to clearly recognise a clear set of problems. When analysing the data I considered the idea of bias of the responses. However, there are some factors, which should restrict the result of distortion. I understand the employees in the company for a long time span of time. The department I was employed for has a very open organisational structure and open communication is encouraged. Also, throughout the summer I had to manage exactly the same work staff did blended with additional responsibilities of a manager.

In the service flow diagram in Appendix 1 I recognised three specific difficulty areas, which I would like to discuss in the next passages.

The most significant obstacle in the operations of logistics department surfaced when we had to organise the kits in the storage. Currently all the processes in the job are finished manually. Which basically involves unfastening the boxes, sorting all the kits by the first digit of the eight-digit number published on the side of the package and placing them in the storage in 10 distinct groups. It is a very inefficient, painstaking approach. The worst part is when the company receives an alignment and one has to gaze for specific kits in these distinct groups. The main obligation of the new information system was to insert a more rational, 'human' approach of dealing with sorting of materials.

Another difficulty involves the obligation to record everyday temperature fluctuations in the storage area, which is actually finished by hand. The obligation was to arrive up with some more productive, accurate system with the possibility of analysing distinct temperature changes with in-build notification system in case any critical changes occur.

Also what the co-workers realised, was the fact that whereas Fisher operates IVRS we had to ...
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