How God Organizes People For Effective Action

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How God Organizes People for Effective Action

How God Organizes People for Effective Action


This assignment is based on How God Organizes People for Effective Action. God had a purpose for the creation of the universe and all things that are in it. The will of God is always present in the creation of man, the creation of the sun and the dark, and in the creation of animals. All human beings have to fear and obey God through respect and obeying the rules. Man must strive to preserve God's creation and these creations serve a purpose known only to him. A true disciple helps man to follow and live according to the will of God at all times. This is in accordance with the teachings of God, as they were in the books before, during and after Christ.

Throughout the Bible, God uses a number of different organizational structures for the leadership and direction of his people. The delegation is usually required to accomplish the mission of God, so that usually built in their organizations. Have a good understanding of how God has structured his people and his Church will not only help the church planter for the first time to identify the best organizational structure, but the leader, teacher or department can organize people for effective action.

Man cannot live without the environment since God created everything in a way that they are dependent on each other, but when humans start using the environment in a reckless manner, the people are the ones who face the most devastation due to this depletion. The church has the responsibility to provide proper theological responses to the environmental crises currently plaguing the world. The call for faith and repentance in environmental conservation is necessary at this point.

Discussion and Analysis

Jesus clearly commands the church and makes disciples to reach the nations. Christians are called to make disciples and followers of Jesus Christ to others and adopt as their personal savior. He commands all accept him as Lord. The role of the church is defined in the Scriptures. Its function is to make disciples and the religious leaders must play their role effectively as ordained by God. Leaders are called to equip the church to increase its effectiveness in achieving this goal. The church members should be more involved and have a desire to live their faith in Jesus Christ, to submit to the will of God. Joy is to share the resources that God has provided people with the mandate of Christ reached. God's plan is the message that he is the source of all truth, and the truth is the starting point of humanity. God shows overall design through Israel. Knowledge begins with the fear of God. Jesus declares that he is the way, the truth and the life. It is in the Scriptures that all creation is God's plan.

The first apostles of Jesus introduced the idea of making disciples of the Church in its mission to fulfill God's desire for people ...
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