How Does The Length Of The Pendulum Affects Its Swing?

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How Does the Length of the Pendulum Affects its Swing?

How Does the Length of the Pendulum Affects its Swing?


The pendulum is a body that is suspended from any fixed point. The pendulum swings back and forth, freely, with the help of gravitational action. Changing the pendulum's length while keeping other factors constant affects the pendulum's period. Pendulums having longer length swing with low frequency as compared to pendulums having shorter length, and therefore have a long period.


The aim of this report is to find that what is the effect of pendulum's length on its swing. For this purpose, an experiment was conducted. After conducting this experiment, an individual was able to understand the factors that affect the swing of pendulum.


H0: Length of pendulum affects its swing

H1: Length of pendulum does not affect its swing

Materials and Method

The reason for conducting this experiment was to find that the only thing that affects the swing of pendulum is its length. We observed this fact by ourselves by simply performing this experiment. The materials that were used in this experiment included:



Rubber stoppers

Ring stand

Meter stick

Graph paper




For the weight, we could make use of anything. For instance, we could make use of book or a coffee mug. We then tied the weight to the string. Then we suspended the pendulum over the corner of the table so that the pendulum's length was about 2 feet. Then we pulled the weight in the backward direction and allowed the pendulum to start to swing. We let this done for about 40 or 70 seconds and counted the number of times it swing back and forth. We noted this number. Then, we stopped the pendulum and restarted it, but this time we changed the length of the pendulum and swing it again. We again counted for ...