How Does The Brain And Its Hormones Effect Human Sexuality

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How does the brain and its hormones effect Human Sexuality

How does the brain and its hormones effect Human Sexuality


Human sexuality plays a vital role in everyone's life, and is said to be the basic foundation. Knowing the link between the brain, and sexual arousal and orgasm can aid in speculating possible issues with men and women during sexual activity. Several factors can cause sexual dysfunction for both men and women, and it is important to know the possible reasons behind the cause. Understanding the sexual difference in men and women can immensely help in differentiating their behaviors. A combination of things comes in effect when it comes to an orgasm in the brain. Neurotransmitters and neuro-peptides are highly involved in the sexual response. Hormone levels are also involved in sexual activity. Interestingly, there is a difference in the hormonal level between men and women. In men, testosterone levels generally remain above the required beginning level for sexual activity. This increase in testosterone level is believed to have an additional influence on sexual behavior of men. Whereas, estrogen (the female hormone) have little impact on sexual desire, and thus creates a difference between the behaviors of men and women.


The role of hormones in human sexual behavior is uncertain, particularly in women. Men and women differ in their attitudes about sexual behavior and the thoughts related to it. A considerable amount of research has been done to investigate the role that brain and its hormones play in human sexuality (Okami and Shakelford, 2001). Furthermore the relation between sex hormones in pre and postnatal life, and sex-linked behaviors and attitude in adulthood are examined.

Sexual behavior comprises what we do with our sexuality. The knowledge of sex differentiation and determination has increased over the last few years as it considered being a vital aspect in the lives of human. Hormones are said to play an organizational role, leading the body to behave in a certain way. The changes in these hormones within the human body lead to behavioral and physical changes. Sexual hormones are responsible for the physical development of both male and female characteristics, and acts as a stimulator to sexual behavior.

Hormones play a vital role in the life of an individual. The increase and decrease in the level of hormones affects the frequency of sexual activity. Adolescence leads to changes in the sex organs, weight, height and majorly the brain structure. It is also the stage of life in which the hormonal balance shifts strongly towards adult stage in both men and women. These hormonal changes put the individual into a state of rapid growth and development. The production of these hormones keeps on increasing until sex maturation is established. It further helps to stimulate the sexual desire of men and women. The endocrine system is a separate control system for the body, apart from the nervous system, and is comprised of ductless glands that release secretions directly into the bloodstream.

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