How Does Frankenstein Define What It Means To Be “human”

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How does Frankenstein define what it means to be “human”

Frankenstein and the delineation of Human

You don't have to proceed very far to find a scientific definition of 'human'. In detail, Merriam-Webster says that the adjective 'human' is of pertaining to, being, or attribute of humans; having human types or attributes. For most, the characterizing of this period would end here, but through such works as 'Bicentennial Man', 'Counting Cats', and Frankenstein we discover that the definition cannot, should not, end there. To be human is to have all of the characteristics and certain thing more. Call it self-awareness if you like or a soul if you favor, but it's all the same.

Frankenstein starts out imitating human emotion though action as in this. At least the affect they had upon his actions were those which in a human being would have been called the result of fondness. However by the end of the article his strong feelings are solely his own and very genuine, which can be seen on page 286 when he vocalizes his anguish in the fact that the congresswoman chose not to leave him to save her career. This is what makes Andrew truly human, even contrasted to his last' forfeit, the part of him that has come to recognize that he isn't just portraying out the emotion any more, he really is feeling these sensations. (Shelley, pp. 324-347)

Although shorter and not as easily glimpsed this identical thing can furthermore be found in 'Counting Cats' the emotional progress isn't as clear-cut, but it is suggested. This article is more strong feeling by activity than by thought. Their phrases proceed around and around in bantering arounds, that are sometimes tough to pursue, but their actions are entirely straight-forward. His example of this and makes his feeling more apparent than any words could truthfully express. So, one time afresh we glimpse that this is what makes him 'human', the little things that most might not even notice. (Shelley, pp. 324-347)

In Frankenstein, the Monster's strong emotions rule him entirely. Within him we glimpse every horrifying human value that each of us desires didn't live, for example storm, self-loathing, and hatred. So, as much as one would love to refute him the name of 'human' he is in all actuality more in order that any of the other ones we've read about. How the Monster harbors both the lightweight ...
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