How Do People Define Happiness

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How Do People Define Happiness


Have you ever wondered, what is happiness? Can you define it, make fixed with words? The word happiness means something different for each person, such as joy, health, happiness, to have a lot of money, love, sex, travel, and career. These are all factors that constitute a good basis for happiness, but they do not have the luck of it. Although we are all more or less on the hunt for happiness, we struggle to define happiness. Happiness is a feeling that is something that is within us and cannot do as much with the outside world. Happiness research is used as a working term "subjective well-being", so it is not objectively measurable, but something that just anyone can judge for themselves. It can be said that a person is happy when he is content and has more pleasant than unpleasant feelings (Anthes, p. 33-35).

With this definition it is quite easy to see how happy you are. You do not deal with it, what you have or need to do is look at your feelings and you will know whether you are happy or less happy. The logical conclusion of this definition is that you have to look for ways that give you positive feelings and you will automatically be happy. More is not there. Worldwide large-scale studies were conducted by having people asked about their health. A standard question is: "Would you say your life is at the moment a) fairly or very unhappy, b) pretty happy or c) very happy (Anthes, p. 33-35). This is a simple question, which, if asked to thousands of people around the globe, provides a very insightful knowledge regarding their feelings and the concept of happiness.

This paper focuses on presenting a study related to the question of 'How do people define happiness?'. The paper will put focus on presenting the perception of different people regarding the concept of happiness, its meaning and definition, as well.


The French writer and politician André Malraux said: "Happiness is for fools," in that it is unrealistic to believe that we can reach a state that is so absolute in a relative world. And it must be a perfect fool to believe to achieve one day. "We should be happy when you die" sang Jacqueline Dulac demonstrating the difficult, if not impossible quest that represents the achievement of perfect happiness and the ultimate value of that state. Many philosophers, intellectuals and researchers have commented on the question of happiness, and the only conclusion to which all agree is that happiness is subjective and relative (Anthes, p. 33-35). This is because it is so subjective and relative so that discussions and debates surrounding the hypothetical definition of happiness and most importantly, ways to achieve it.

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