How Do I See Myself As A Therapist?

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How do I see myself as a therapist?

How do I see myself as a therapist?


Jungian psychotherapists are those who are trained under the principles taught by Professor Carl Gustav Jung. He was a Swiss psychotherapist and founded the analytical psychology which considered individuation to be the core process of every human development. He was Sigmund Freud's disciple and his chosen heir but due to some conflicts he went on to found his own practice of psychotherapy known as “Jungian Analysis”. He was the most famous contemporary contributor to symbolization and dream analysis.

I see many qualities and thoughts similar to Jungian's analysis. My thoughts are interlinked with the psychology of the unconscious and depth psychology. I judge my intentions and interest towards the Classical Jungian psychology and I don't hesitate to integrate methods of working and insights from any other school of therapies such as the gestalt and object relation & focusing.


Freud had many negative views and wrong practices which Jung disagreed. Jung discovered that a brighter way of unconsciousness is a well-spring of powerful healing wisdom. I totally agree with that analysis because the feeling of healing is much better than Freud's view which is an irresponsible impulse which had to be tamed and exposed.

I think human beings can be connected with all the richness of symbolic life for the creative living and be beneficial to fulfil their 100% potential. I see myself to be an effective and a true principle follower of Jungian analysis because Freud focused more over sex as the most important activity for every human being. Many people become psychotherapy patients because of an addiction of having sex and go into depression. Which I think is a negative aspect for any normal person's thinking.

In my view I would adopt a face to face talk with a psychotherapist patient which Jung preferred to be the most effective way to communicate. A modest therapist is not one who knows everything, the therapist must share its mutual terms with the patient or make relations with the client and encouraging the client to discover his or her destination without assumptions or intolerance.

The leakage and spreading of spiritual and religious convictions should be valued and respected as per religious beliefs but it shouldn't be explained away with any rationalising interpretations. I would prefer to keep religious views aside and focus more over the actual problem that caused the patient to react in that disorder. My recommendation as a therapist would consider a true belief over our intentions and attitudes by which we judge our actions and reactions.

Every human has to the right to see dreams and Freud interpreted a wrong point of view for dreaming. He elucidated dreams as the road to knowledge of the unconscious person and totally wish-fulfilment (sexual addicted ones). Jung had a better way for understanding new dreams and uses it therapeutically. I think as a therapist people must be encouraged to see new dreams for the charm of having those things which they want rather than they ...
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