How Did The Rise Of The Factory System And The Decline Of The Domestic System Affect Interpersonal Relations In British Society?

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How did the rise of the factory system and the decline of the domestic system affect interpersonal relations in British society?

How did the rise of the factory system and the decline of the domestic system affect interpersonal relations in British society?


In the historical account, the industrial revolution brought huge change into the lives of people, particularly in the area of production and work. There are certain questions about the industrial revolution that why it particularly took place in Britain and when? How it speedily covered the vast pace of Britain and raised the living standard of British people. Indeed, these questions were raised by Duncan Bythell and he answered these questions in his writing piece named “Cottage Industry and the Factory System”. Undoubtedly, factory system affected the economy of many nations of the world, but British Empire was greatly also affected by this innovation. The paper is designed to highlight the reason that how mounting of factory system and decline in the domestic system impacted over the interpersonal relations in British society.


The factory system is a good way of producing high revenues and it was introduced in the late 18th century in England. Before industrial revolution, Britain was greatly organized in its production system. General goods were being produced in the farms of centered families, and things like yarn and other fabric material were produced for huge distribution and also sold independently in a market (Bytbell, 1983). There were certain ways to produce clothing at home, such as cottage industry workers clean the wool after shearing from the sheep. They brush it for separating its fibers, then the cleaned wool spun by spinster. This handmade yarn later becomes woven and finally sold to a clothier. After the innovation of technology, it created the capacity to produce fabric material by waterpower and production of these textiles became focused in a single place. The owners of factory belonged to the former elite class and factory's staff were paid the on wages. Whereas, this channel of production started with the textile and cotton industries as there was the growth in steam engine which completely made the shift from localized production and craftsmen into the production under the system of factory.

A domestic or cottage industry is a structure of production that occurs in private homes instead of huge factories. It is a simply tooled and often makes handmade cloths. The products of cottage industry are usually known by the area or particular family. This domestic industry is informally managed by a group of family that works at their home (Bytbell, 1983). Importantly, cottage industry faces many challenges and problems in distributing their products. It has been researched that there were various interrelated factors behind the innovation of technology, which created the history of factory system in the soil of England. The biggest innovation of technology development was the banking institutions that were able to boost investments into the building of various factories, and it also helped in economic ...