How Cultures In Nation Cause The War?

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How cultures in nation cause the war?

How cultures in nation cause the war?


Every war is for cultural reasons. All wars begin in the minds of people and in the culture of human rights. Throughout American history there have been many issues dealing on the subject of politics. Due to the American political system of democracy, everyone has a voice when dealing with politics. Even though democracy seems like a bulletproof way to run a country, issues are raised about “culture wars”, civility in politics, corruption, and scandals. Culture was created to reassure the people that they were not an accident. It was made to keep peace and justice in the world. But the words can be manipulated and used as an excuse to start wars, thus leading people to believe that the world would be a better place without culture.

Morris P. Fiorina wrote “wars caused by Culture?” or “culture wars” is defined as political conflicts rooted in different systems of moral understanding. One thing is at analyst can easily confuse is closely divided and deeply divided. They believe that Americans are more extreme than epithetic and moderate. Yet Fiorina says that they are more epithetic than extreme. He means that Americans are more closely divided on political issues as in they do not take extreme sides on issues like the politicians that are polarized. He mentions a “U-shaped distribution”. This theory intends most Americans are on one extreme or the other with few falling in the middle, which creates a U-shape phenomenon. Fiorina claims, that the U-shape graph does produce results that seem extreme but doesn't mean that most people are not in the middle and just choosing sides by picking one candidate because the voter may not like the other candidate.


Nowadays, people use culture as a crutch to keep themselves from losing an argument. Anyone can say that they fight for the sake of their culture to bring some morality into what was immoral in the first place. Culture is usually used as a cover for some self-serving political or economic ideologies. A world wide known incident could be used as an example. This would be the September 11, 2011 terrorist attacks committed by the al-Qaeda. The al-Qaeda did this out of their belief that they would enact a devastating blow against the non-Muslim America, thus cleansing God's temple. Their excuse for this attack was that they felt like they must do it and they didn't have a choice. But the real reason why they did this was because they wanted Americans to keep out of Jerusalem. Both Muslims and Jews consider Jerusalem as religious value. Jews wish to build a new synagogue to mark the new coming of the Messiah. Muslims consider Jerusalem as a holy land where Muhammad ascended to heaven. The al-Qaeda found it irritating how America was funding Isreal with food and funds. No one should kill in the name of God. If God wants someone dead, he can have it ...
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