How Children With Add Learn In Class Room?

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How Children with ADD Learn In Class Room?


Attention Deficit Order or (ADD) is a neuro-developmental disorder. Specifically, it is connected to a neuro-chemical imbalance of brain regions that are involved in self-control, maintenance of vigilance (i.e., stay alert) and attention. So far a large number of studies suggesting a hereditary cause, in addition, ADD can also occur as a result of encephalitis, a brain injury or premature birth.

Add and Learning Disability

ADD is a major cause of learning disabilities and can also cause significant difficulties in social integration (at school). Depending on the severity and nature of the deficit, ADD can cause a long delay learning achievement, such as, for example, learning reading, writing and mathematics. In fact, attention is one of the main gateways to learning. If the learner (child or adult) does not pay attention, he cannot receive process and analyze, understand and memorize information. In fact, a child who has ADD may miss some basic learning achievement that is needed for the integration of new knowledge. This can ensure that if ADD is not properly identified and that a suitable intervention program is not implemented, the person will perform under his real potential. (Listi, pp. 98-156)

Unfortunately, there are still a significant number of children, adolescents and even university students who are struggling to keep up school because of ADD, this disorder without being formally identified. In fact, many of these people go unnoticed because attention deficit disorder is too often perceived as a lack of will or interest. There is the same for workers who do not reach their full potential. This in turns demands the question which will be answered in this study as how children with learning disabilities learn in class?

Children in class rooms with ADD always feel difficulty in learning in the class rooms and they often find it hard to learn several things throughout their life. In this regard, following treatment behavior has been formulated so that children with ADD can learn in their class rooms.

Treatment Behavior

The presence of behavior activity and excessive motor distraction, typical of children with ADD, even when not extensive, will disrupt their care, hindering the proper assimilation of knowledge by which a program for the development of strategies for care should consider also the control and modification of certain behaviors. Within the behavioral techniques we have the operating base, which consists in modifying certain behaviors by establishing a ...
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