How Can The Armed Forces Enhance The Personnel Reporting System To Ensure The Right People Are In The Correct Strategic Rank/Position?

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How can the Armed Forces enhance the personnel reporting system to ensure the right people are in the correct strategic rank/position?



The management of human resources in the armed forces all over the world is exemplary, and that is the reason why the armed forces are able to extract the best people from the given resource pool. In this thesis, we have explored the performance evaluation of the Royal Navy, UK, and have made suggestions that could help the Royal Navy in improving their personnel management system. This research study conducted in-depth unstructured interviews with officers from the Royal Navy and collected secondary data, as well. This research has discovered that the current evaluation system does not provide the officers to provide any sort of feedback to their seniors and during evaluation; peers are not consulted for the evaluation of a particular officer. The application of 360-degree feedback performance system could help the Royal Navy to in making sure that they place the correct officers in the correct strategic places in the hierarchy.


No words can express my appreciation and gratitude to my research advisor _______ through the course of this research, Professor _____has taught me numerous values that extend well beyond the realm of human resource management. His emphasis on dedication to working and his valuable and practical insights of life are some of the major highlights of my education at The University _________. To Professor _____, I say with great respect, thank you very much.

It is a great honour for me to have Professor _______ on my dissertation committee. His insightful suggestions and comments are a major asset to this research. I learned so much from Professor ______, and I will always remember him as a truly superb teacher. To Professor _____, I am greatly indebted.

I would like to thank Professor ______ for his contribution to this research. Professor _____ has provided me with essential input and guidance as an outside member of my committee. His remarks and suggestions are greatly appreciated.

I would like to thank _____________ for the support they had provided me throughout the research project.

I would like to thank _____________ for their support and help in this research.


I [type your full first names and surname here], declare that the contents of this dissertation/thesis represent my own unaided work, and that the dissertation/thesis has not previously been submitted for academic examination towards any qualification. Furthermore, it represents my own opinions and not necessarily those of the University.

Signed __________________ Date _________________







1.1 Introduction1

1.2 Background of the study1

1.3 Problem statement3

1.4 Aims and objectives of the study3

1.5 Research Questions3

1.6 Rationale of the study4

1.7 Significance of the study5


2.1 The Process of Performance Appraisal7

2.2 The Purpose of Performance Appraisal9

2.3 Rater Motivation10

2.4 Organizational and Rater Goals11

2.5 Military Research in Performance Appraisal11

2.6 Designing a Performance Appraisal System12

2.7 Performance Appraisal Designers14

2.8 Process and Organizational Considerations16

2.9 Defining Organizational Performance17

2.9.1 Performance Metrics18

2.10 Military human resource management19

2.11 Feedback in the military20

2.12 360-degree and downward ...
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