How Can Organizations Motivate Employees To Engage In Organizational Citizenship Behaviors At Work?

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How Can Organizations Motivate Employees To Engage In Organizational Citizenship Behaviors At Work?

How Can Organizations Motivate Employees To Engage In Organizational Citizenship Behaviors At Work?


To understand the way in which people behave in different manner within the organizational settings is considered as one of the most significant aim from the field of organizational behavior. There are four types of behavior related to work within organizational settings in which most people behave that are ; Job performance, absenteeism, organizational citizenship behavior and turnover. Among them organizational citizenship behavior and job performance falls under the most desired behavior in any of the work settings. This assignment is therefore based on the ways organization can motivate its employees in order to align them in adopting organizational citizenship behavior in work settings.


Step 1: Define and Explain OCB

Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) refers to the intentional and controlled behavior of the employees which is performed in order to facilitate their peers and assist in achieving organizational objectives. Assisting a new employee in understanding the work nature and way in which the tasks are performed within an organizations, participating willingly in organizing organizational operations and other recreational activities, giving suggestions for the development and improvement of organizational processes and procedures are some of the examples related to organizational citizenship behavior. Such behaviors contribute to the flat functions of the business.

Organizational citizenship behaviors (OCB) are actions that go beyond the requirements of the job (and the role), that employees put up voluntarily and that are beneficial to the organization. Such behaviors are critical for organizational effectiveness, as they are unable to anticipate and shape in all job descriptions of behaviors that are required to achieve the objectives (verfasst , Judit , 2010). This type of behavior acquires greater significance in uncertain and dynamic environments in which organizations move today.

Factors That Have the Strongest Influence over Work Behaviors

Organizational citizenship behaviors are characterized by their discretion. The people perform them because they want, not part of their duties, are not a requirement that is forced the job or the role they should play. They are not recognized by the system formal rewards, making them less visible to the whole organization. But such behavior noticeably contributes, over time and through people, efficiency of the organization, and these behaviors are considered pro-facilitators role or functionality. Some of the most observed behaviors are altruism (spontaneous behaviors that are intended to help others), civic virtue (Responsibly involved in the life of the Organization), courtesy (gently inform so that others do not feel misplaced), sportsmanship (tolerate adverse circumstances without complain) and awareness (responsibility to abide by and fulfill their obligations).

Step 2: Define and Explain Motivation

Motivation is known as the process of encouraging and stimulating the individual or group of people to work, to be active, to the initiative. It is essential for the effective implementation of the decisions and to perform the intended work. Putting into practice the principle of motivation, leader makes its decisions in the ...