How And Why Is Prayer Powerful

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How and why is Prayer Powerful

Table of Contents



Identification of powerful prayers3

Defining power full prayers4

Description of power full prayers in different religions6

Real-life situations7

Integration of powerful prayers in personal and professional life10


How and why is Prayer Powerful


We live in both types of conditions, when these conditions are prosperous, and the blessings possessed by individuals are in abundance, many of us overlook material blessing of life granted by the lord. In this case, individuals are at distance from worships and Prayers is regarded as the only continuous repetition of words which has no power in it.


Identification of powerful prayers

Prayers should not be taken lightly. A deep understanding and care should be incorporated in when offering prayers. The effectiveness of prayers only becomes evident, if individuals incorporate in prayers a case of care full meditation. Which makes prayers matter of sacred study and application. If individuals adopt these principles, in their private and public lives, they will be able to communicate in an effective and efficient way with their lord (Hayward, 1945).

Powerful Prayers adopt a two way communication approach. It is believed that when people offer prayers, they speak to god and in turn god speaks with them. People who regard Prayers as the only continuous repetition of words are like those dull individuals who only listen to conversations, but they never act on those conversation. On the contrary, Individuals involved in active praying, but does not study are individuals who only dominate conversations and do not listen to others, The ideal individual is one who not only listens but takes an active part conversations.

Prayers blended with strong words, can not only transform the way of preaching but it also change worships style and beliefs.

Defining power full prayers

Prayers are one of the oldest forms of showing devotion to god. It is a significant source of spiritual upliftment for every individual living on this planet. Prayers remain as one of the most effective ways of communication between God and its followers. It is an effective way of thanking god for providing this universe.

Prayers can be defined as “setting a special time and place to request from the center of the heart to God for his help, mercy and his gratefulness who is the ultimate creator and doer of this universe”. The key words in the above stated definition can be defined as

A special time and place Setting special time and place for prayers can result in prayers which are effective and powerful. It will also result in setting a place where an individual can pray in his routine times. It can be room or a private space where an individual can calmly and peacefully pray and effectively communicate with the god (Stone & Piar, 2007).

Requesting God for help

An individual can request god for his help. God will help you by answering your prayer if your prayer is powerful. It eventually depends upon the effective communication between god and its followers, so that when your prayer is powerful it helps you in times ...
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