Housing Policy And Homelessness

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Social Policy in Housing and Homelessness



Public Housing and Homelessness2

Social policies of Housing and Homelessness in France2

Insider-Outsider Theory3

Introducing French Social Landlords4

Conflicting Rights and Principles in Allocation4


Right to Property5


Social policies of Housing and Homelessness in UK6

People suffered from Homelessness6

Conditions Faced by the People7

Overcrowded issues7


Inappropriate conditions of houses8

Social policies of Housing and Homelessness in US9

Social policies of Housing and Homelessness in Sweden11



Social Policy in Housing and Homelessness


The concerns of housing affordability and the homelessness are always of central importance to the individuals, families and the communities in terms of their mutual wellbeing. This area of concern has always been as a meter of issues pertaining to the settlement of people at ease. Considerable efforts around the world have been made for managing the issues related to the housing and homelessness. The social policies have been designed and implemented in the creation of new housing stocks as it is a fact that the ownership of a house is not in reach of most people, whose income level is low or moderate. The countries of France, UK, US, and Sweden are also going under the implementation of these social housing practices and policies for ensuring appropriate, safe and affordable housing among the masses. The need for public housing has been increasing with the increase in the private market accommodation cost (www.wacoss.org).

The European Commission has also stated that the deprivation of housing has been a major reason of poverty and social segregation in the society. The access to affordable accommodation is the fundamental right and need of the people, which has been an intense leveled challenge in these states of the world (Rybkowska & Schneider, 2011 pg1).


The social policies of public housing and homelessness among the states of UK, France, US, and Sweden has been under consideration regarding the maintenance of trust of people in the government and the department of housing and the affordable accommodation.

Public Housing and Homelessness

The concept of Public Housing enables the availability of rental houses with safe conditions to the eligible families with low-income, the old-age people and people with certain disabilities. It is there in all sizes and types like single family houses to the high rise apartments for old people families (portal.hud.gov).

Besides these housing facilities, there are still existing cases of homelessness. Homelessness does not only indicate the act of sleeping rough on the streets. There are people who have a roof on their heads, but the areas are insecure, unsafe or overcrowded, leaving them at the risk of homelessness. It could be a temporary problem for some people while most people suffer it severely. However, the overall impact is seen on the image of the society (england.shelter.org.uk).

Social policies of Housing and Homelessness in France

The housing policy in France in executed under a framework based on the constitutional principles and rights, but the needy people have to suffer hindrances in accessing the social housing because of the conflicts and oppositions associated to different rights. The right to housing of the French is strong in ...
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