Housing Association Governance

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Housing Association Governance

Housing Association Governance Interest

Housing Association Governance Interest


This paper highlights the role of housing association governance. It aims to identify if housing association government prioritize the interests of organizations over those of residents. According to Mcdermont (2013, pp.1), the traditional housing associations were bound together by philosophy of assisting the need of housing. They were nonprofits organizations that were based on voluntary ethos. After the mid- 1980s, the understanding about housing association altered. The housing associations moved to the ethos of private sector resulting in higher precedence given to the requirement of private funders. The professional boards of directors were hired who were largely under the command of state regulatory and tenants were reimaged as being customers.

The sector of housing association is big business. Before, the sector was more of a voluntary affair. From 19th century, the housing associations were run by a voluntary group of people who made the tactical and strategic development. These voluntary communities handled the day to day running of properties and tenants.


If we particularly highlight housing associations in United Kingdom, they are nonprofits organization that comes under private sector. They objective of such association are to provide low cost houses to the people who need a home. Any surplus that comes from trading is used in the maintenance of existing houses and to assist finance new houses. Despite being independent, state regulates housing associations, and they commonly receive funds from public. Housing associations have become the principal contributors of new housing for rent in United Kingdom. They also provide shared ownership offers to facilitate those people who are unable to buy a home because of financial problems.

Housing association is playing a great role in helping people from all around the globe. Those housing association which running for the welfare of society are helping those people who cannot afford to buy a house. Financial issues do not allow many families to afford buying a house for their living. House is truly essential for the living of homeless people. Housing association provides facilities to these needy people. They generate funds from local public and other sources that are invested in housing facilities. One of the rising issues in housing association governance is the abuse of charity. Board members of a few housing associations are using the money on increasing the assets of the organization rather than on facilitating people. They are putting the interest of organization over households. The issuing involves different views of people. Some people perceive that housing associations is more of a profit making sector. While other believe that housing associations are working effectively to support needy people. It is quite evident that housing associations are major providers of houses in many economies around the world. They provide different kinds of facilities to help people in having a place to live.

Housing associations are most relevant providers of social housing in United Kingdom. They are able to raise their own funds as well as receiving funds from the ...
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