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Daily operations of a three star hotel

Daily operations of a three star hotel


Customer service is of crucial importance in industry's where the business mainly focuses on providing intangible benefits to the customers. Hospitality industry is among these benefit based businesses, which should be handled with great care, if the customers are to be retained and revenues are to be generated (Zhu, 2013). However, in order to maintain profitable operations, it is immensely important that the customer requirements are met in the most viable manner while declining the cost of operations. As a three star hotel provides its customers with average facilities, it is important to address issues such as accommodation services, font office services, food and beverage services, and food preparation.

Operational aspects required for accommodation services to meet consumer requirements

For achieving successful operations in a three star hotel, it is important that a hotel provides t customers with rooms to stay and at a minimum snacks and break fast if full dining is not possible (Paraskevas, 2013). However, it is well if full food and beverage services are provided. When a customer is registered, he should be provided with access to all the services provided by the hotel. It is the responsibility of the hotel management to attend the customers whenever required, and address all these needs. A bar should be present at the premises. The staff should be available all the times. All bedrooms should be equipped with bathrooms and telephone facility. A wifi system should also be present at the hotel (

Operational aspects of front office services to provide high standards of customer service

A three star hotel should have a semi automated system for its front live activities as it is less expensive (Nunes, 2013). A hotel can generate automated reports for its various departments to analyse performance. In this system, the pre arrival activities involve reservation of customers prior to arrival for receiving them without delays. As already registered customers reach the hotel, they are received by the reception after verification of their registration. As the customers occupy their places, the daily charges are maintained by the hotel by making vouchers. The expenses made by the customer on various facilities are closed each day and the guest accounts are reconciled for avoiding discrepancies. When the customers depart after their stay at the hotel, it is the responsibility of the managers to update the information to ...
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