Hospitals In United States

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Hospitals in United States

Hospitals in United States

Historical Development of Hospitals in U.S.

Hospitals in the United States emerged in some institutions such as nursing homes giving healthcare to poor patients, these institutions could be run by charities and gave care to poor patients, leprosy patients and retirees, the care was always marginal case and those patients seeking admission had to prove his moral worth or find a benefactor as well. At the beginning of the 19thcentury and for much of the next century many Americans received medical care at home mostly, as surgical procedures, births and disease treatments. Most of these people belonged to a rural society and rarely had the opportunity to visit a hospital. Galbraith, (2006).

Charitable traditions so rooted in the health system and led to the development municipalities required community effort to accommodate patients with chronic diseases and disabilities stripped. In 1736 they founded a charitable nursing home in New York with a six-bed room; this almshouse later became Bellevue Hospital. That same year was at Charity Hospital in New Orleans (Harlow, 2007). In 1829 he founded the hospital in Tennessee currently the Regional Medical Center at Memphis and also the oldest hospital. Some powerful institutions and multi faceted municipalities were founded in that year. Although the homes for elderly people were the roots of America's hospitals during the civil war around the 1960s, there were hospitals with doctors, nurses, professional and specialized departments as well as different types of services (Harlow, 2007). Due to social development after the Civil War, the industrial revolution, immigration and advances in medicine, the development of hospitals in the United States increased. In the early stage and half decades of the 19th century was a period of "therapeutic pessimism" where doctors could not adequately treat serious diseases. In the 1880s it was discovered the asepsis and opened new horizons for surgery, also began the bacteriological revolution, medicine grew, gained respect doctors and hospitals became the representation of optimism and authority of physicians. Galbraith, (2006).

Major Historical Events of Hospitals

Today every hospital has its own traces and their own history, the Cambridge Health Alliance in Massachusetts founded in 1996, for example, has roots in Somerville Hospital founded in 1891,Whidden Hospital (1897) and Cambridge Hospital (1917) . Another example of Kansas University Hospital current, which is due to Kansas University School of Medicine (1880) and Bell Hospital Eleanor Taylor (1906). Once established and staffed by trained doctors and nurses, hospitals both public and nonprofit hospitals, became the key to expand the medical culture. In1920s the hospital was where people had the hope that his illness was treated and even cured, the nonprofit institutions started to reduce its traditional role of charity in favor of creating institutions attractive to people of the middle class. Hospitals in the second half of the 20thcentury entered a new relationship with mone (Harlow, 2007)y. Before 1920s hospitals were operating with out much money, doctors donated their time and costs for nurses and staff were low, but the second quarter of ...
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